All posts by Miss Bambrough

Transition Week

This week in nursery the older children have been very busy visiting their Primary 1 classrooms. They have had the opportunity to meet their teachers and spend time with their buddies. We have also been practicing for our Nursery Sports Day which is next week on Tuesday 11th June. We are still needing parent helpers to support groups and set up equipment so if you can help please add your name on the sheet in the cloakroom. Big thankyou again for everyone that came along to our Garden Sale we raised £379.25 in total. We will be purchasing some new resources with the proceeds.

NewLands Day!

In nursery this week children continued to enjoy looking after the chicks, they were sad to say goodbye on Thursday.

Children have thoroughly enjoyed selling plants at the garden sale and loved family coming members coming in.

Thanks to all parents who were able to come in, hope you enjoyed the tea and scones, as much as we did. Thanks to Miss Bambrough again for baking the scones.

Finally Newlands Day is here once again! We hope to see you there, parade starts at 12.00, meet at the old academy 11.30 onwards!


This week in nursery the children have been spending a lot of time outdoors and working on our allotment, We have started planting a variety of different seeds and the children have even helped to create some beautiful signs to tell us what we have planted. We are looking forward to investigating the planting process and helping to care for our allotment.



The children have also created a scarecrow for our allotment and are in the process of creating a second scarecrow so he can have a friend, he is yet to be named so if any of the children come up with a name for our scarecrow please let us know!


Just a wee reminder to parents that the children are off next Monday and Tuesday for the May Day holiday!

Have a lovely long weekend and we will see you back at nursery on Wednesday 🙂



Welcome Back!

Welcome back! We hope all the children enjoyed the Easter holidays. We also have new children in the nursery that we would like to welcome. The children have enjoyed seeing their friends and settling back at nursery. We have enjoyed continuing our planting in the garden and making our scarecrow.

Easter Holidays Finally Here!

This week has been a very busy and tiring week, parents night went well and thanks to all parents for coming.

Children have been enjoying Easter craft and an Easter egg hunt!

We have also been looking more closely at different types of weather, which they have enjoyed experiencing outside!

Hope you all have a lovely relaxing Easter holiday!

See you all in 2 weeks!

Sunny Weather!!

Since we have been lucky enough to have some sunshine the children have loved playing out in the garden. We have also enjoyed making bird feeders and placing them around the garden. If the warmer weather continues could we please ask all parents and carers if you can apply sun cream when necessary.  We have world book day on Thursday 7th March, children are more than welcome to dress up or wear their pyjamas. Our family showcase was fantastic. Thank you to all the parents and carers that attended the children had a great night. We had lots of different stations relating to numeracy such as playdough making table, we had fruit kebabs and the floor book was out for parents to have a look at. The children enjoyed playing the maths games that were on the smartboard and playing with our loose parts.


Aarrgh!!!……. Ma Hearties!

Welcome back, hope you all enjoyed the February break!

In Nursery this week we`have been continuing with the Pirate theme throughout the nursery. Children have been  enjoying looking for treasure, drawing maps, dressing up, learning songs, listening to stories and finding the Pirate pictures hiding around the nursery in which they have been receiving a Pirate sticker as a reward!

All very fun and exciting!

We have also been investigating and looking closely at old pieces of cutlery, jewelry, house ware items, anything that looks old and interesting really; such as spoons, trinket boxes, necklaces, metal teapots, etc. linking into our theme of Pirates Treasure!

If you have any of these items at home, please feel free to hand these in, we would be most grateful!

Thanks again.


Happy Chinese New Year!

This week in nursery we have been busy with Chinese New Year. The children have had the opportunity to taste a variety of Chinese food at snack. Including noodles, prawn crackers and spring rolls which most of our children enjoyed.  We have watched a festivals dvd on the Chinese New Year and have had Chinese music playing for the children to listen and dance to.


Next week we have our Book bug launch for all our three year olds. Each child will be given a bag with books picture cards.

Tuesday 12th Feburary

A.m- 10.15-10.45


Please sign up for the session your child attends. Signup sheets are in the clock room.


Chinese New Year Fun!

A very Scottish week…..

We have had a fun filled time in nursery this week, from creating our own castles and flags, to role playing with knights and dragons in our small world castle. Highlight of the week though has to be our Burns Supper which we held yesterday. Everyone wore tartan and danced to Scottish highland music and listened to ‘The Gruffalo’ in Scots.

Earlier in the week we made homemade shortbread which the children (and staff) really enjoyed after our haggis neeps and tatties! Here are just a few of the photos taken from the week.


Just a little reminder that our Literacy PEEP sessions for 3 year olds starts on Monday  4th February. Sign-up information is in the cloakroom.


Scotland at a glance

It has been a fun filled week in nursery with lots of interest starting around Scotland.  The children have been doing Scottish dancing in the gym hall and within nursery. The children have loved dancing with their friends and listing to the Scottish music.

The children have enjoyed discussing lots of things about Scotland. Next Thursday 24th of January we have planned a Burns Supper.  If we could ask if you have anything tartan to wear to help us celebrate that would be great .


We are looking forward to starting our PEEP group on the 4th of February. We have an information sheet up in the cloakroom. If you need any more information just ask a staff member Thanks.