P1 Numeracy


Hello! It has been a different April to previous years, but we are eager to hear what activities you have been up to.

We would love if you could share some writing with us. Maybe you saw a new movie, Maybe you camped out in your living room. Maybe you baked a cake and decorated it with icing? Let us know. Why don’t you also write instructions for a friend on how to do an activity?

Home Learning Numeracy Grid

Here is the Numeracy home learning grid with some ideas for activities for the next 2 weeks. To reinforce previous learning, the four subheadings are addition, subtraction, number formation and counting.

Below are some additional work sheets to do and inspire. If you go on to create your own based on these, remember to both reinforce to build confidence and then create challenge to push them on a little.

addition match to add

addition odd one out

doubles identify yes or no

subtraction join to match the facts

subtraction take away 2

Keep using physical materials and pictures to assist with adding and taking away as well as writing out the equations.

In class, we were doing screening and counting on.

Put two amounts in two containers. Tell child how many are in each container.

Then, cover up one container so they cannot see the objects. Ask the child how many there  were covered. Then ask them how many there are altogether.

Try to encourage the child to count on from the screened objects, rather than starting from 1. (There were 6, so 6- 7, 8, 9, 10, rather than there were 6 so 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10).  Uncover and get them to check if they are correct.

Do this with varying numbers, starting small. If they are able to remember the screened amount, try it by screening both sides.

If they need to use fingers to help with the addition, still encourage them to count on.


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