p2c June 1st Home learning

Good morning p2c,

I hope you all had lots of fun the past two weeks with our fitness fortnight, I sure enjoyed the challenges set by Mr Tennant.

We have updated our grid this week to give you the option f one literacy, one numeracy and two other tasks per day. Please do not feel you must complete all of these tasks, they are optional. I would love to see some of the activities you have managed to complete. Please share with me on twitter @MissButlerSPS

week 8 – click here

I will be updating sumdog, education city and active learn throughout the week, so keep an eye out for new challenges there.

Now that Mr Tennents challenges are finished – mine have returned. Todays challenge is to carry out a random act of kindness. Remember you have to do this sneakily (it could be leaving a nice note on a loved ones pillow, helping with the washing up after dinner etc.) I would love to hear about your acts of kindness.

Keep up the great work p2!

Miss Butler

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