Thank you Primary Ones for sharing some of your fantastic writing. Please keep up the great work and keep sharing with us.



We know you will be still busy working your way through the packs we made before the Easter Break but we have added a few more writing ideas to this blog.


Formation Fun                                                                                                                        Below are some examples of formation activities that could be done outdoors in the wonderful sunshine or indoors. Many of you will have formed letters, keywords,your names and sentences in rice, Lego, shaving foam, using chalk and ‘magic’ paint (water!). Just use what you have.

Remember to have fun but now we move into the final term we are looking for your writing to be as neat as it can be.


Main Activity                                                                                                                          The Easter holidays may not have been the holidays that we were expecting but I am sure you must have  some exciting information to share. So we would like you to write a letter to a friend, family member or even your class teacher to tell us the best thing about your holiday.

Your letter should include:

  • who it is to
  • the date you have written the letter
  • what you have enjoyed best about your holidays
  • sentences including; capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.
  • who the letter is from

Challenge yourself 

  • you could ask a question in your letter
  • think about the presentation of your letter –  is your writing neat with well formed letters?
  • proof read your letter before you send it to check for any mistakes


Writing activities you can do everyday

  • help write the shopping list
  • write a daily timetable
  • create a fitness routine for you and another to complete
  • keep a daily diary
  • create a food menu
  • write a song
  • create a 2020 scrap book

Finally the more we make writing meaningful and fun the  more we want to do it. So I hope this last idea is a fun one.


One thought on “P1 WRITING”

  1. Thanks for these P1 writing ideas. I am looking forward to seeing what the children can do. I think we might have a go at the top trumps game too.

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