Number Talks
Snack Time
Without counting how many stars does Mrs MacCallum have for her snack?
(* Information For parents – Children might say “I think 10 because I can see 5 and 5 and I know double 5 is 10.” or “I think 10 because I can see 4 and 4 and 2 more which is 10” “They may also say 20 because I know Mrs MacCallum likes to eat chocolate” or something else a bit random. The purpose is to begin to spot patterns that help with quick mental calculations. Children wont always get it correct first time and sometimes will just guess. So spend time together spotting patterns and discussing different ways you can get the correct answer.)
Numeracy – Subtraction
Mrs Macallum – begins to eat her snack. Can you write a number sentence to find the missing amount eaten by Mrs MacCallum?
Use your snack or toys to create subtraction problems for those in your house.
Working a home has it downside Mr MacCallum wants some snack. Can you help Mrs MacCallum share her snack equally?
How could we forget Baby Mac? His bowl is at the ready. Can you share the left over stars equally between 3?
Your turn- Share a given quantity equally of crisps, sweets, lego or building blocks with a parent and or sibling and make a number or letter.
Taking the learning outdoors
Don’t forget to get outdoors and get some fresh air.
Today our outdoor learning activity was collecting leaves from the grass in the back garden. We each had our own bag and collected as many leaves as we could. We then counted how many we had in our own bag and then counted how many we collected altogether as a family.
Thank you we will do this tomorrow. Don’t want to peak too early!
Some fun numeracy activities for all of P1, thank you Mrs. MacCallum.
Ha no pressure to do all or any of the tasks. We know the P1 packs and the online resources will keep you going for the next 8 weeks or more but we just like to pop on some examples of things that can be done at home using the resources you have.
Millie had fun doing this with some cheerios, though I’m sure she would have preferred using chocolate
Well done, Millie.