Sports Day and Garden Sale!!!

It has been another busy week at Simpson Nursery. As we are nearing the end of the last term in nursery for some of our boys and girls, transition into P1 has begun. The pre-school children have spent time in their classroom along with their buddies and P1 teacher.  It is an exciting new adventure in their learning journey.

The children have been continuing to role play in the ‘garden centre’, where they have been taking on the roles of gardeners, chefs, waiters/waitress’ or customers in the café.

There has also been digging and planting in the outside area ahead of our garden sale on Thursday 14th June.  We have also been busy making signs with the names of plants, pictures and prices. Please feel free to pop along to the nursery during the morning or afternoon session to buy a plant or have a drink and biscuit in our café.

We have also been practising for our sports day on Tuesday 12th June.  Morning session will begin at 9.15am and afternoon session 1.30pm.  It will last approximately one hour.  Please come along to cheer on your child and others. You are welcome to bring something to sit on or stand.  Remember your trainers for the adult race.

Some of the children have also been designing cards to celebrate the anniversary of Simpson school and nursery’s 10th year.

With all the lovely sunshine we have been experiencing over the last few weeks please remember to put sun cream on your child before coming to nursery.  We don’t want to have to limit their time outside but we do have to


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