Good Morning P6
Despite the bad weather preventing us getting to school, we can still continue our learning at home.
- You can continue to work on allocated Snow Day activities on Education City. Why not explore some of the other curricular areas too?
- You could also log on to Sumdog or play some games on Top Marks for further Maths and Numeracy practise.
- Continue to read your novels for our First Minister’s Reading Challenge and if you have your passport at home remember to add any books you finish.
- Find out more about your favourite author – e.g. when and where were they born?; have they always been an author?; who or what inspires them to write?; what other books have they written if any?; what other interests do they have?.
- Create a poster or factfile with the information you gather. Why not use ICT and upload your work to Teams or Yammer?
Be creative, use your imagination and have fun!
Don’t forget to upload your photos #SPSLovestoRead, #SPSSnowDay