Let It Snow!!!

It has been a cold and snowy week and the nursery children have been making the most of it.  Outside the children have been using their senses to discover and explore.  They have been building snow people, throwing snowballs and making snow angels.  Some children even had the opportunity to go sledging in the school grounds.  With buckets and spades they have been digging and filling, helping with their mathematical skills.   Ethan commented, “My bucket is full to the top”.  They have also been using their feet, bodies and garden toys to make prints around the garden.  Some children used their senses to describe the snow:-

“It’s crunchy”, said Grace.

“It’s slippery and cold”, commented Fraser.


For those children who found outside a little too cold, some snow was brought inside to the water tray.  Polar bears and penguins were added for some role play.  This also let the children discover what happens to snow when it comes inside.  “It’s melting”, commented Cassidy.

Please remember when it’s cold outside ensure your child is wrapped up in appropriate clothing and please put their name on everything.  We encourage independence in the cloakroom and things often end up in the wrong place. Check lost property for any items that may be missing. Please ensure that your child has a change of clothes each day including socks.  Unfortunately we are running low on them again.

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