We hope you enjoy our SWAY presentation all about our learning.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Today we listened to the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We will be doing lots of activities in nursery linked to our story as we celebrate reading along with the rest of the school.
If you would like to follow up this learning at home here are a few activities you could try:
* Taste some of the different fruits from the story
* Find out more about the life cycle of a butterfly
* Talk about the days of the week in the story
* Count the pieces of fruit the caterpillar eats each day
Useful links:
* The story read by the author Eric Carle:
* A lovely animated version of the story:
May BBQ & Stay and Play
It has been a busy week for the children as we have had a BBQ and a Stay and Play in the same week. On Monday and Tuesday, the children met with Mrs Farren in the garden to discuss BBQ’s and fire safety. The children were able to explain how to stay safe in the garden during a BBQ and also suggested what they would like to eat. We decided on hot dogs and baked potatoes with cheese. The BBQ was a success despite the lack of sunshine and everyone remembered to follow the safety tips.
On Thursday, we had a very special Stay and Play as Ayla’s aunty (Mrs Brockbank) came in to teach the children Scottish Country dancing. We thought the dance lesson was absolutely fantastic and the children thoroughly enjoyed it. We would like to thank everyone who was able to come along and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! We would also like to say thank you to Mrs Brockbank from CeilidhKids and Mrs Brockbank (Ayla’s mummy) for making this special day happen. We really do think it was a fantastic way to learn new dance steps and develop the children’s understanding of Scottish culture.
March Stay and Play
Thank you to everyone who made it along to our March ‘Stay and Play’ event. The children and our visitors took part in activities such as making Easter bonnets, designing Easter eggs and making delicious crispy cakes. The children also took part in an Easter egg hunt in our nursery garden. We all had a fantastic day!
Nursery News Feb.March
Generation Science
On Wednesday 1st of February, the children enjoyed a visit from Generation Science who came to teach them about how sounds are made and how they move through the story of ‘Ella’s Wobble’. We hope you can tell from the pictures that the children had a fantastic time!
January Stay and Play
Thank you to everyone who made it along to our January ‘Stay and Play’ event. The children and our visitors took part in activities such as Chinese writing, eating with chopsticks and listening to the story the great animal race. We thoroughly enjoyed reading all of of the positive feedback we received on the children’s Learning Journals and look forward to our next event!
Better Teeth, Better Health!
On Monday 16th January, we had a visit from Lisa our Dental Hygienist. She brought along her special friend Dexter the dragon to help remind the children about the importance of good dental hygiene. Lisa and Dexter shared the following tips with the children:
- Brush your teeth by moving the toothbrush slowly in a circular motion.
- Use a pea sized amount of toothpaste.
- Do not pour water on your toothbrush before cleaning your teeth. This action can dilute the strength and staying power of the toothpaste. You can use water to clean the brush after brushing.
- Do not rinse out your mouth with water or mouthwash straight after brushing. This action will prevent the toothpaste from protecting your teeth throughout the day.
- Try to save sugary treats for after meals rather than eating them throughout the day.
The AM and PM children had a great time learning about looking after their teeth with Lisa and Dexter. I was also very impressed at their good manners and excellent listening skills when Lisa was talking. Well done to all of the children!
Happy New Year 2017
The children have returned from their holidays refreshed and raring to go! Our first topic this term is Scotland. The children have decided that they would like to learn more about bagpipes, food, castles and animals. On Thursday, Mrs Martin began our investigation into Scottish animals by supporting the children to make bird feeders. We hope that the bird feeders will encourage birds to come to our garden so that the children can learn about the types of birds in the local area.
This week, we were also given a great opportunity (the snow) to look closely at Scottish weather and the science behind it. We started off by going out into the playground and observing how the snow had changed how the playground looked. The children handled the snow and talked about how it felt and what it could be made of. Then some of the children discovered that our outside water tray had frozen over. We talked about how a swishy liquid such as water can change into a tough solid (ice) when the temperature outside decreases. Then, Miss McGinlay brought some snow from outside and placed it in the water tray. The children investigated what happened to the snow when they held it. They then wanted to find out what happened when they poured hot water on the snow. Cody suggested that the hot water should be dyed red. This really helped everyone to see it being poured over the snow! When the children discovered that the hot water caused the ice to melt, we decided to find out the temperature of the snow and then the temperature of the water once it had melted. We found out that the snow had a lower temperature than the water it changed into. During all of this, we still found time to go sledging down the hill in the school playground! However, Miss McGinlay had her lab coat on again and this activity called for a discussion on the types of forces we were using to make the sledges go down the hill (pushing and pulling). Every day is a school day!
Christmas Party
The children had a fantastic time at their Christmas party. They danced to Christmas songs and played party games such as ‘Pass the Parcel’ and ‘Musical Statues’. They also had a delicious snack consisting of pizza, crisps and ice cream.
Our party was so good that even Santa couldn’t resist the chance to attend. He gave all of the children an early Christmas present and reassured them that they were on the ‘Nice List’. We hope that the children loved their gifts and that you enjoyed coming to see them meet Santa. We would like to say a special thank you to the PPA for helping Santa’s elves to make all of the children’s gifts.