Dig a little… Explore a lot…

What a week we have had! The weather for March has surely demonstrated the saying for the month of March, In like a Lion and out like a lamb or In like a lamb and out like a lion or in Addiewell we can have this weather within an hour.

This week’s focus for children’s learning from the story of Jack and the Beanstalk where we have been exploring different varieties of beans and how some seeds are different colours, and sizes. They have been terrific in supporting children to discover and create their own patterns using these seeds as well as others. Role play of the giant and recalling the story is observed through role play.

As you can see lots of props were getting made for their storytelling…. poor chicken has laid so many eggs!

Next week we will keep our eyes open to see what children are interested in. Also some children have investigated castles and in particular dungeons.

If you have observed your own child(ren) wanting to know more about something, please share it with us. Other children maybe interested too!

SCIENCE WEEK – Lots of experiments are happening in nursery. Some were spontaneous and children could see the reaction/change immediately…

Rainbows were created using different materials, some were real tasty too….
Using water, skittles (and a few for munching) and a paper plate children discovered how the colour bled off the sweets and they could ‘capture’ the rainbow on the plate where they left it to dry.

<img src=”https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/wl/public/nurseryaddiewell/uploads/sites/7261/2022/03/18082509/IMG_4397-2-300×225.jpg” alt=”” width=”300″ height=”225″ class=”alignnone size-medium wp-image-262″ />

More rainbows…

This time using colour water pens, 2 tubs of water and paper towels

For this experiment children discover how some things can float using an orange. They discover oranges float when it has the peel on yet when they peeled it and then tried it they discovered it sinks because the air between the peel and the fruit contains air. AMAZING!

The gentle musical notes tinkling in the wind is now heard harmoniously outside in the garden as children investigate different resources which make sounds in the wind as they create a wind chime.

Measuring with wool – Children measured themselves and then explored other other objects in the nursery to discover items which maybe the same height, width, both inside and outside the nursery.

Furthermore children discovered water is heavier than oil…

and others children are having to observe their experiment over a length of time…

Growing their own sunflower….

Making their own compost in a bottle.. using fruit and vegetable peelings with some shredded paper.

Where about in nursery is the best place to grow seeds. Children have placed seeds in a bag and taped these to w window facing different directions. They will observe over time if any seeds will germinate from the sun and record their findings – so far all are dormant.

Lastly, Children experiment to discover conditions a seed needs to grow – children chose a dark room with water, one in a bag and displayed on a window and a seed placed in an empty jar and kept on the shelf in the nursery playroom. They also investigated which beans can float or sink. They concluded “If it’s wrinkly it will float. All others sank.

Plant a Forest
Well what a day for Plant a Forest on Wednesday. Children were highly engaged in planting and listening to the team who organised this event. It was really inspiring to hear that it started off in Japan, moved to India and it is now our turn: Scotland. Their aim was for community to plant 600 trees in our school grounds for future generations to enjoy. The team will return to investigate if there is greater activity from minibeasts and to see how the forest is flourishing.

Most children took part in this activity. They learned how to plant bushes and trees where roots went into the soil and the “sticks” pointed “up to the sky.” Can we thank everyone for making sure their child had on appropriate clothing and footwear – it was particularly cold in the morning with a light rain – all the more to be had.

As mentioned last week, letters have gone home asking for suggestions for the new menu which is aimed to start in April this year. The more responses we have the greater choice children will have so please share your suggestions with staff. You can either write them down or say to us.

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