Welcome …

Welcome to Addiewell Nursery Bog.

We have been busy, but quietly so through the last couple of months. New families have started nursery and some are returning. Almost all children have settled in really well and are busy exploring all the areas of the nursery. Like previous years the outdoors still hold great appeal to the children as they explore and discover the outdoor environment…. you may have already seen them walking around the village.

What have we been doing…

As I said most children are settled into nursery and hopefully parents will have a link to their child’s Learner’s Journal to view and add their own child’s home learning experiences – if not please say to member of staff and we will sort this out.
What is a Learner’s Journal? This is a working document staff use to write observations about children in the nursery, capturing and recording their experiences across a range outcomes.

We have explored shapes inside and outdoors and we are discovering shapes are EVERYWHERE, and we are still learning to describe them. At home you can support your child by playing some games, like I spy… Use language such as curved, straight lines, corners. Play a guessing game, select a few objects, start of easy, and then either hide one or cover up of which shape is missing…

Addiewell Nursery are looking for further ways for families and staff to create stronger links to support each child. If you have any ideas on how we can do this please add to the suggestion box we have displayed on the nursery gate.

So far we have had…

… Stay and Play Week . It was wonderful seeing all the parents playing with their child(ren). We have other planned Stay and Play dates for later in the year.

This is a fantastic opportunity for you to come to nursery and play with your child. You can see how confident they are in their ‘own’ environment with no mum and dad to watch and see what mischief they may be making. If you haven’t signed up for any day yet, please do so. There is a form inside the entrance where you can put your name. We are allowed up to 7 adults per session and there are sessions throughout the week and available both in the morning and afternoon. If you can’t make it don’t worry there will be other opportunities throughout the rest of the year. Remember we look forward for you to pop along, it’s only for 1 hour. Keep a look out for future dates.

We are discovering Autumn and you will see us traipsing around the community looking for signs of Autumn. We will have our clip board with us to record some of our discoveries as well as bringing into nursery some of findings.

You can support this by going on your own Autumn Discovery, just remember to wrap up warmly even though there may be some blue sky it is still pretty chilly. If you do discover something, bring it to nursery and your child can share it with all their friends. It is amazing what you can find in the most unexpected places…

Addiewell Nursery are starting a new way to celebrate our children’s achievements. The name we have adopted summarises our thoughts of how brilliant children are: Addiewell Achievers. A letter has been sent home with more details asking for families to share your child’s achievements with everyone in nursery: children, staff and visitors. When you say what your child has done to make you feel proud, write it down and add it to our ‘tree’ or say to a member of staff and we can pop it down. This will then be shared with everyone during our get together time and stamped and displayed to let everyone know how great your child is. Your child will receive a sticker and a certificate – so look out for these. We will be looking in nursery for that little spark where your child may have achieved something they may have found challenging.

Nursery Natter was held at the start of October and we had some new families attending. It was great to make the connection and to build positive relationships as we all want the best for all our children. We are open to suggestions for a time and place as we understand that walking here to nursery and if your child isn’t in on at this time or day can make it rather trying to attend. One gran who is the manager of our local Addiewell Club, suggested we could may be meet there if it is more convenient. Please any suggestions are more than welcome.
We had a brilliant time after the initial introduction from staff where we discovered that though families live in Addiewell not everyone knows everyone in the village as they may be working throughout the week and then they catch up at week ends with house work, shopping etc. So this is the perfect opportunity to get to know other families.
Our next meet is October 26th and it’s in the morning too, so everyone has the opportunity to come along for a cup of tea and a natter.

School Photographer – November 4th is photo day. Further details will follow such as where they’re happening, though it will probably be in the Community Centre. We will try our very best to get family photos as well as individual ones.

Parent Consultation

In November we are planning on having our Parent Consultation:aka Parent’s Night. This is another opportunity where you can get to know your child’s Key Worker. We are continuing with how we did it previously as it appeared to work well. It is very relaxed and informal where you can have your say with your child’s key worker and they will share their findings too. This will be held inside the nursery reception area.

You may have noticed a mail box attached to the nursery fence. The reason for this post box is to act as another way for you to communicate with us. It is intended for you to pop in a suggestion, thought, comment. You don’t need to add your name so it is anonymous. Your thoughts matter to us as you know what your child wants and needs and your perspective is very much valued as to how we can support and meet the needs of all children.Post It notes can be found in the entrance way of the nursery: on one of the blue shelves.

NHS Child Smile – Just a quick reminder to return all forms for permission for tooth varnishing. This can save a lot of pain if your child ever has the need for fillings as it coats molars and gives more protection to avoid those nasty cavities. In nursery we promote Child Smile tooth Brushing programme where children have the opportunity to brush their teeth.

Dates for your Diary

Nursery Natter – October 26th 10:30 – 11:30. All are very welcome
Photographer – November 4th 2022
Child Smile – Tooth Varnishing November 10th.
Parent Consultation – November – Wk(s) beg. 21st & 28th.
December 26th 2022 – January 9th 2023 nursery will be closed for this holiday
January 9TH 2023 – We resume our usual session times

Nursery Appeal
As we all know the weather is rather chilly and rain is expected more often. Can we ask if you have any ‘good’ spare socks or other clothing can you please donate them. Children do so love puddles and mud.