It’s all the same family

Good day to everyone, thankfully the weather started off cold and miserable, hardly showing that next month will be summer!but it has ended with with the promise of warm sunny weather.

As was mentioned last week children have been focusing on creature under the water. Children have been exploring the Artic and the Antarctic as they touch on Penguins and Polar bears. Most recognise penguins are ‘down the bottom’ ( South of the equator: Artic) and polar bears are ‘up on top.’

All children had the opportunity to explore squids and their cousins octopus. Most children were saying “Yuk!’, ‘It’s disgusting!!” or “It smells”. However some children were highly engaged in investigating these creatures. Lots of interest and learning occurred as you can see from the photographs.

As you can see they discovered both the squid and octopus has two teeth (one lower and upper) and it looks like a parrots beak. Their arms have only one row of suckers and the octopus will actually eat their cousins along with crabs, mussels etc. They also learned that both are invertebrates and they are challenged to discover other creatures which are also boneless. You can support them by giving some answers.

Further learning took part as children explored ice and water linking it to penguins and polar bears living on opposite sides of the world.

Addiewell Community Garden

Huge thank you for Liz and Robert from our Community Garden. They kindly invited us last week to bring children to plant bulbs in their garden in a raised bed.
Liz and Robert and they have planned this amazing garden. You can certainly see lots of work has gone into this and they rely on volunteers (which they are looking for more) which they have two others from the community so far. The garden is beginning to flower with some bulbs and plants.
On a beautiful and sunny day all the children freely explored and discovered activities which they played with sitting on picnic benches having a great time. All children planted and watered a bulb and hopefully we will soon see more colours in the garden. It is hoped the garden will be open to everyone in the community where they can sit, relax and be calm in the this idyllic area. Thank you again for a wonderful time.

This is going really well as most children met P6 children who will be their buddies from August. They also had another visit into the classroom where all children were excited going and returned with huge smiles. On Wednesday 25th at 6pm parents are invited to an information evening where Mrs Brown will share information about transition and starting P1. All parents are very warmly welcomed.

Sunny Weather

Please because of the sunshine can we ask for parents to bring into nursery some sun cream for your child. If you could add your child’s name that would be great however we can add a label.

Please remember we are OPEN on Monday 23rd even though schools are closed.