A sailor went to sea, sea, sea….

This is the song I can hear children singing by themselves or in small groups this week in nursery. This song links to our current focus of creatures under the sea/water or lives beside the water or maybe a little bit of both. It’s all about the water and what you can find in it. Children have been highly engaged in discovering and learning about the vast range of creatures. Penguins were the start children needed to start our focus and from there it has grown.

Next week we look forward to discovering more about penguins and perhaps the South Pole.

Children are also learning article 8 from the UNCRC where they are becoming aware that everyone has the right to an identity. Last month it was learning about all children having the right to play where we had some interesting discussions where some thought they could only play one game rather than having time to be free to play. Play promotes learning as we know we are keen to do something if we find it fun.


We are under way for our transition for children and their families who will be starting school this August. Primary 1 teachers from both schools have already popped in to visit the children so they are becoming familiar with each child and vice versa. Today is the first visit to school where they will stay for an hour (Children who don’t attend nursery on a Friday morning can be collected @ 9.45am). Most children appear to be a little nervous however very excited. Some comments from their return include, “I saw my sister, Abigail”,”I got to play”, “There was playdough”.
Visits to the school will continue for another three weeks. Also, children will visit during the school closure in July so hopefully there wont be any anxious children – just parents.There is an opportunity for parents to visit school on Wednesday 25th May from 6:00 pm to hear about transition.
Please can children be collected from nursery before this time if they are going to school in August.


With the abundance of strawberries and the fresh taste of pineapple, children had the experience of baking a cake featuring these two ingredients and then eating it as part of our snack. A big thumbs up was the answer from some of our children. All this was thanks to Miss Thomson as part of her college course. She took the additional time of tweaking this recipe so children can enjoy making and eating. She was kind enough to share the original recipe which as you can see includes an assortment of nuts. So if you wish you can bake this at home and share your results on your child’s Learners Journal page.

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Our communication tip for this month is repetition.

Communication is Key calendar 2022 May
A copy of this leaflet can be found in the entrance door of the nursery where you can take a photo of the QR code linking their site to further support our learning through these very useful tips.

Dates for your diary–

Monday 23rd May we are OPEN. Schools are closed for this Victoria day holiday but we remain open.
Wednesday 25th May School Transition Night – parents only.
Friday June 3rd we are CLOSED for today only – Queen’s Jubilee.
Tuesday 7th June Nursery Natter
May/June Meet your child’s key worker (parent’s consultation) DTBC