What a surprise….

Hello to this week’s blog

As you may have experienced this week, snow! Such a surprise !! Children thought winter had returned but alas it was just Scottish weather at it’s best. Children did have the opportunity to explore the ‘snow’ as it lay like little balls. Some children commented that it “looks like wee triangles but very cold.” Which was true as I thought they may have been more circular in shape but they were like little prisms for the short while they ley.

Earlier in the week and today all children have visited the local park to do some exercises in lovely sunshine.

Children have had a great time using soft pastels as well as looking at some artists to inspire them show their creative side. Their discussions have been wonderful and very descriptive. By using some pictures of famous artists who have also used pastels has motivated them to try their own hand at producing their own work – watch out Van Gogh.

Outdoors – well can it be anything other than water! The water tray was moved to another area of the outdoor area: which the children choose through discussion and it has challenged them to use this from their usual type of play – they requested pipes, guttering and containers of different sizes. They have explored and discovered: through problem solving and communication with each other, how to make water run fast/slow and some are now building canals for water to flow to other areas such as into buckets and containers.


Both primary schools are closed for the Easter holiday however nursery is STILL open until the 14th April where we will be closed for the Friday and the Monday opening at the same day as the schools.

What is happening next week…

On Tuesday 5th April we have our NURSERY NATTER at 2pm. All parents are very warmly welcomed to join us as we have a natter about everything and anything you are interested in in regards to your child or any concerns we can help with. Keep an eye on your emails for our link as we will sending it out shortly.

Please support us

Please when you receive a form asking for your menu suggestions could you please spare us a moment to complete. All the data will be collected and used to inform our menu starting at the beginning of May. We have some suggestions already from children but it would be fantastic if parents could add their own ideas. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Find out what’s happening in nursery and school ….

The schools now have a school app which you can download on to your telephone. All you need to do is go onto your app store and search for Addiewell school app and you are then directed to school app for parents –