Oh what a beautiful…. week

As you can see the sun shone down on Addiewell and children went exploring.

With the sun shining, it was the perfect opportunity to explore our community to go on a Spring hunt. With a clipboard on hand and a chart with pictures of common sights at this time of year, off the children went to discover wonderful signs of the season.

Daffodils, crocus and iris’ are evident but children didn’t see any lambs roaming around. Some children did say they have seen them on their journey to nursery or on the farm they went visiting.

Children also had time exploring our local woods. They loved risk assessing their play as they climbed and swung on trees and a few planks of wood. They were fearless climbing hills and ‘mountains’ and sliding down these too.

How are our experiments with plants going…

Well lets see…

As you can see we only have one plant showing signs of growing which suggests the front window has the most sunshine.
Our compost in a bottle has started to show signs of condensation suggesting there is something happening with the waste materials.

Sunflowers are showing signs of germination as we can see a pair of leaves appearing on the stem. Some are obviously thriving as they stand higher than others, though you never know sometimes the smaller ones grow tallest. We just need to wait and see.

Last week we made an appeal for suggestions for snack…. still waiting….

However from April after Easter a new menu for lunches will start. You can see this on our menu page above this blog.

We have been asked to share an exciting opportunity to learn sign-along as they celebrate 30 years!!

From Monday 4th April, we will be going live each day across our social media channels (as above) to deliver FREE workshops using our posters. And this does include learning the methodology in full too. Absolutely anyone can join as long as they are following our channels.

Please share this far and wide within your establishments, services, schools, local areas and with parents/carers too. It is completely free, all they need to do is follow us to find the live. Even better than that, if they miss a live, we will be posting them all up on Friday throughout April so they can catch up and they will be available forever!

Please forward the links below to everyone so that they can easily follow our accounts to view the lives.

Signalong Instagram – Mondays at 10am

Signalong Facebook – Tuesdays at 11am

Signalong YouTube – Wednesdays at 2:30pm

Fridays ALL videos will be shared across on YouTube to watch again as many times as you like!

Don’t forget to check out our social media pages for more offers and celebrations in April too. There is also a Tutor exclusive offer going live that you don’t want to miss along with competitions and lots more!

Thank you as always,

Maxine Archer-Strudley

Still on the theme of language and communication
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