Nee Naw Nee Naw….

As part of our role in supporting children is to listen and observe their interests as to what they are doing we are currently focusing on hospitals including what to do in an emergency.

We asked for your support and had a fantastic response with lots of you saying that children do not know the emergency contact number or their address. Through this we are currently teaching children how to be responsible and to dial 999 – there is another number but staff agreed to do the most common one used in Britain. Children are learning to ask for which emergency service they would like, and to talk clearly and stay on the telephone until assistance arrives – advice which the emergency services ask for. So watch out if your child asks to practice this at home too.

We had a surprise visit yesterday (Monday 14th February) as the school fire alarm went off – not our fault as our snack was just getting prepared by the children. Children went calmly to the designated area, they heard the siren blaring along the road as they arrived at school, blue lights flashing, fire officers inspecting the school all the children loved it! Thankfully it wasn’t raining nor too cold as the sun popped out at that time.

Children are also learning how to safely walk along and across roads in our community. They completed a survey discovering how busy our roads are especially in the afternoons.

I wonder what will happen next…