What have we been doing this week…

Good day to everyone, we hope you are well…

In our nursery this week our learning focus has been looking at Fair trade. We have looked at the logo and listened to the story: Freddy and Flora’s quest for fairness. This is a Fair Trade story for young children to develop awareness of the purpose of Fair trade. Please watch the story, it only takes a few minutes.

Some comments from the children so far are: “Sharing is caring” and “It’s fair that others have too.” When asked what do they mean a few have added: “Farmers get money to look after their family.”
We popped up on Wednesday to the local shop to look for any goods with the Fair Trade logo and excitedly some children discovered a box of chocolate sweets – which were bought and shared later between all. One child noticed the lack of goods with this logo and asked “Why is it so hard to find?” This was later repeated when some children helped to do our online snack order “We only found bananas!”

Can we therefore ask, when you go shopping or if you could rummage through your cupboards if you can search for other items with the Fair trade logo- there are lots of different things which have this logo: coffee, honey, flowers, bananas and other fruit, cocoa and lots more…

If possible, could you allow your child to bring in the wrapping with the logo so children can see it and we can use it for a display…. so far they are loving it. Next week we can see what we can make/bake…. I’m sure it will be tasty and delicious.

Also I’m sure everyone was surprised with the snowy Thursday. Children have enjoyed playing out in it and some even made a snowman or two.

Next Week….

On Thursday we will be inviting children to participate in World Book Day where we have been invited to share activities along with the school. We’re sure the children will enjoy this. Don’t worry if your child misses this as we have other activities planned around different stories.

Lastly, our Book Boost story next week:- Monday 28th, will be

Please look at your child’s Learner’s Journal to discover how amazing this story is.

Nee Naw Nee Naw….

As part of our role in supporting children is to listen and observe their interests as to what they are doing we are currently focusing on hospitals including what to do in an emergency.

We asked for your support and had a fantastic response with lots of you saying that children do not know the emergency contact number or their address. Through this we are currently teaching children how to be responsible and to dial 999 – there is another number but staff agreed to do the most common one used in Britain. Children are learning to ask for which emergency service they would like, and to talk clearly and stay on the telephone until assistance arrives – advice which the emergency services ask for. So watch out if your child asks to practice this at home too.

We had a surprise visit yesterday (Monday 14th February) as the school fire alarm went off – not our fault as our snack was just getting prepared by the children. Children went calmly to the designated area, they heard the siren blaring along the road as they arrived at school, blue lights flashing, fire officers inspecting the school all the children loved it! Thankfully it wasn’t raining nor too cold as the sun popped out at that time.

Children are also learning how to safely walk along and across roads in our community. They completed a survey discovering how busy our roads are especially in the afternoons.

I wonder what will happen next…

Welcome to Addiewell

Welcome to Addiewell Primary School Nursery Class. The centre was opened in January 29th 2009 and is situated next to the Primary School. Our Centre offers flexible nursery provision as well as morning and afternoon nursery sessions. The centre follows the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence which allows each child to progress at their own pace and to follow their own individual interests. We work closely with the local Primary Schools: Addiewell and St. Thomas to ensure a smooth transition for our pupils when it’s time for them to leave nursery. All our services within the centre work together to provide a high quality, inclusive provision for the families and community of Addiewell.

“For a small child there is no division between playing and learning; between the things he or she does ‘just for fun’ and things that are ‘educational.’ The child learns while living and any part of living that is enjoyable is also play.” ~ Penelope Leach