All posts by Miss Moir

P7/6 Catch up

Hi Boys and Girls,

Hope everyone is staying safe and having fun in the snow. It’s very cold outside so wrap up warm. I have set up some games on Education City which relate to our class learning-multiplication and money. Have fun and remember to take some photos for me if you have been making any creations in the snow 🙂

Miss Moir

P7/6 Winter Ready Resources

Good Morning my lovely p7/6,

Here is the winter ready resource for you to open at home. Have a go at some of the items and bring some lovely photos into school with you to show me all your fabulous creations in the snow. Or, post them here or class dojo if that is easier.


Have fun in the snow and stay safe.

I will also put up some activities in Education City for you.

From Miss Moir

P7/6 Literacy Time

P7/6 and P1 had a lovely half hour yesterday afternoon reading books together in class. The p1’s were given a reading buddy, chose a book from the library, and then settled down to listen and discuss the book they chose with their buddy. It was such a lovely atmosphere and wonderful to listen too.

Here are some photos. Some of the p6’s and p7’s now have friends for life 🙂

Miss Moir

P7/6 News

Dear Parents and Carers,

P7/6 have been very busy working on their school show this week and it has been going tremendously well. I am so proud of all the children’s hard work and dedication. Only 2 weeks until the main event so keep up the great work guys!

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Sneddon and myself have sent out a letter today in regards to costumes for the show. Please do not feel you have to buy anything new for this but Primark, Asda, Tesco etc sell very cheap t-shirts if  and only if you want to. We have tried to keep costumes simple and the likely hood of items being already in wardrobes and cupboards at home. If your child has not received a letter this is because we will be providing them with costumes through school funds. We will also be making masks and headdresses in class for animals and jungle which should be completed by next week.

Further rehearsals will take place next week. As this is such a busy time I shall continue to do reading homework but will stop spelling and word boost until the show is finished. The children can practise song singing and learning their lines if they have a main part.

Thank you so much for all your continued support through this busy time. The show is going to be amazing!!

Miss Moir

p7/6 News

Good Morning,

P7/6 have been busy bees this term working on their multiplication knowledge and have recently been looking at long multiplication. They have been sharing their strategies and are getting more confident as the days go back. Great resilience from all the children 🙂

The upper school have also been working very hard with the school show songs and have shown some amazing talents through the auditions. We hope to let the children know who got which part this week-very exciting. Keep up the great work guys. You are doing a fabby job!

In Literacy, P7/6 will be working on science reports and imaginative writing. Their big talk homework for this week is to find specific vocabulary to help describe where their story has been set (jungle, space, desert, under the sea etc). We worked on this yesterday with a story that needed a little bit more description and some children have blown me away with their vocabulary and adjectives! I can’t wait to see the final outcome and their own imaginative stories this week.

Have a great Week

Miss Moir

P7/6 News :)

I just wanted to say I hope all parents and carers of p7/6 have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

The boys and girls are looking forward to their party this afternoon and a week filled with festive fun. Mrs Harrison, Mrs Sneddon and myself will be having a DVD treat afternoon tomorrow. If anyone would like to bring in a film from home that would be lovely, but please make sure it is a U certification. Children can also bring in a small snack for the DVD if they wish.

Really looking forward to the Panto on Thursday!

Stay safe over the holidays!

From Miss Moir

P7/6 Winter Weather Post

Hi Boys and Girls,

All Winter Weather work will be posted to the blog on any days the school is closed.

To make sure you can access the blog, please leave a comment on this post. A comment like your name will be fine 🙂

Your Winter Weather homework for this weekend is:

To Watch a Christmas Movie and Spend time with your Family 🙂

Have a great week!

Miss Moir

P7/6 News

Good Morning Parents and Carers,

I’m so sorry for the delay at putting up my class news-Glow was unfortunately down over the weekend.

I just wanted to say a huge well done to all the boys and girls for the effort they put in for their assembly on Friday. It was wonderful to watch and I am so proud of everyone. A special mention to Lewis and Rachel for their excellent performance as Mr and Mrs Eejit-I am still chuckling to myself at the comedy they managed to create with their portrayal of the characters. Well done to everyone who auditioned for the parts as well-that was a funny afternoon in the class 🙂

Here are some photos for you to enjoy!

Also Well done to Brandon this week who won the Dojo Class Challenge! Who will be next I wonder?

Have a great week and hope to see you all at the Christmas Fair tonight.

Miss Moir

P7/6 News

Dear Parents and Carers,

P7/6 have had a fantastic week so far! We have taken part in 3 different workshops which have all been fantastic. On Monday the children took part in a Drama workshop, led by Miss Kathryn Smith. Kathryn is a drama student studying at Queen Margaret University. She is in her fourth year and writing her dissertation on the effects of drama within the curriculum. She has come to Murrayfield to focus her research on our class and is planning on teaching drama through our topic as well as Numeracy and Literacy. Her first lesson was on The Wedding of Mary Queen of Scots to her first husband in France. The children loved her French accent and she really captured the mood and hustle and bustle of a busy wedding day. Please make sure you have completed the letter Kathryn has sent to all parents so your child can continue taking part in Kathryn’s lessons.

On Thursday the P6’s took part in their Tobacco workshop while the P7’s took part in their Drugs and Alcohol Workshop. The children found out some interesting facts and shared their knowledge of their topics in a calm and safe environment.

Also on Thursday, p7/6 took part in their first music workshop, led by Limehouse Music. This was an amazing opportunity for the class to take part in fun musical improvisations, along with singing, drama warm ups and learning African dances to a drum and guitar. The workshop was absolutely fantastic and the class cannot wait for the next one in a few weeks.

Lastly, a date for your diary. P7/6’s assembly on Scottish Book week will be on Friday 1st December. Please come along to watch your child participate in this fun event.

Have a nice weekend!

Miss Moir

Here are some photos of the drama workshop!