ELC at Murrayfield

Nursery has been very busy since returning from Christmas!

We cannot believe it is March already, Spring is nearly upon us!

Recently we have been looking at different traditional stories, such as Three Little Pigs and Goldilocks and Three Bears. We have had lots of activities out for the children to try such as porridge oats in our tuff tray and different sized bowls, the children have been learning about the language of measurement within maths, for example big, bigger, biggest and big, medium sized and small.

Since having our glorious weather over the last week we have been looking at growing and planting in our garden. There has been lots of interesting ideas of what we can plant and grow in our garden ranging from apples to make an apple pie, carrots, strawberries and potatoes. The children have been discussing what is healthy and unhealthy and this has come through our new floorbook for snack. The children have been given lots of ideas and you will see our snack menu in the cloakroom.

Keep a look out for our floorbook display in the cloakroom and feel free to add any comments!

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