P2/1 News

Hi and welcome to P2/1’s first blog post!

Now that we have all our photo permissions you will be seeing us regularly! 🙂

We had a busy last week with Miss Akram and Miss Wyllie. Miss Wyllie was with us for 5 weeks but sadly she had to go back to university!  We will all miss her and appreciate all her hard work and input in teaching us! 🙂

We have been learning the sounds r and b this week.  We created buzzing bees and beautiful butterflies to help us remember the “b” sounds.  We created rabbits, roads and rainbows to help us with our “r” sound.  We have also been working hard on our blending so that we can read and write.  Ask us what strategy we use to blend!  Show us the words:

hat, bat and rat and see if we can show you our strategy to blend the sounds in these words to read 🙂

If your child is a P2 child show us the words: run, hop and bin 🙂

In Numeracy, we have been learning about addition and using the strategy of counting on to understand addition.  Show us a + sign and ask us what is called and what it means! 🙂

It was Road Safety week so we were learning how to cross a road safely and what the colours of a traffic light mean.

Thank you for the parents/carers who popped in to see us on Wednesday for the bookbug/Read, Write and Count bags launch and helped us design our own special robots!

Last week Miss Wyllie taught us Gaelic as we have been learning all about Scotland; ask us how to say Hello in Gaelic! 🙂

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Akram

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