P7/6 World Book Day

Good Morning Boys and Girls,

Hope you managed to have lots of fun in the snow yesterday. I have seen some of your photos on class dojo and some of them are absolutely brilliant. A prize will go to the best one. I managed to go out for a walk/slide in the snow but I might need to go and dig out my poor car this morning-It has been caught in a snow drift 🙁

Anyway, as it is World Book Day I thought I would upload some resources for you to try. Please do not worry if you can’t print these off. You can just write down the words that you find from the cross word and draw out the selfie idea onto paper if you have any. Also, please continue to read your class novels with a yummy cup of hot chocolate and your duvet. Stay snug and cosy today.

Stay safe everyone.

Miss Moir




2 thoughts on “P7/6 World Book Day”

  1. Hi 🙂 Miss Moir

    Can we get some math to do at home and some more reading for our group’s thanks

  2. Morning Carra,

    I have set up some challenges for you on Education City that are maths related. I have also asked everyone to read the next 2 chapters of their book for Monday. I posted this onto class Dojo.
    Will try and post some maths challenges for you today.
    Miss Moir

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