What a busy week we’ve had for the end of term! We started the week by receiving a homework challenge – we were asked to design an underwater vehicle. We had to make sure it met the criteria we were given – not an easy task! The results were fantastic…
We also used the skills we have been learning in reading (skimming and scanning) to locate relevant information on the internet. We used this information to create fact files on a sea animal. We did this in pairs so also had to take turns using the computer and taking notes. We all really enjoyed this activity and are really proud of our fact files. Why not have a read to learn something new!
As this was the last week of our Oceans and Fishing topic, we had lots that we wanted to fit in before the end of term. We found out about the effect of pollution by plastic on sea animals and decided to create posters to try and stop this from happening. Our posters aew going to be on display throughout the school.
At assembly this week, Mrs Turnbull set the whole school a challenge… to be caught somewhere unusual reading! If you get caught reading, make sure someone takes a photo and emails it to the school!
As you may know, raffle tickets are awarded in our class for a range of different things. We have a raffle draw every Friday and everyone keeps their fingers crossed that they are one of the lucky winners. This weeks winners are:
Prize from Mrs Vince’s prize box – Neve and Jay
Sitting in the pink chair – Rachael
Sitting in the teacher’s chair for one lesson – Robbie
Sitting beside the teacher at assembly – Rachael
Sitting beside a friend for one lesson – Harry
Well done to all our winners and especially Rachael who managed to win two prizes this week as she had won more than one raffle ticket!
A reminder to parents that all gym kits have been sent home today so that they can be washed over the holidays. Please ensure that these are returned on the first day of term. Children should have an indoor kit as well as an outdoor kit. The outdoor kit should have trousers/leggings and a long sleeved top as it is getting colder and colder outside. Please make sure that all kits are in a bag and all items are labelled so nothing gets lost or mistaken for another child’s.
Our class assembly will take place on Friday 11th November and will be based around remembrance. We look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible.
P5 children will be attending a Handball tournament on Wed 26th Oct. Please ensure that all EE2 forms and permission slips are returned on the first day back after the holidays.
Have a great holiday
Mrs Vince