P7/6 .. Welcome Back!

Welcome back p7/6!  

We have had a very busy week catching up with each other after the October break, had a variety of ‘spooky’ based activities & lessons, Vertical Groups have re-started, and we continued with our Tobacco (p6) and Alcohol & Drug Misuse (p7) workshops … and of course our Halloween parties!!

Some of our class are off to camp next week; What an exciting opportunity!! I am sure you will all have an absolutely fabulous time and me and your classmates can’t wait to hear all about your adventures!  I am sure we will have some great experiences of our own to share with you too xx

Miss Preston & Mrs Harrison x

Here is a snap shot of some of our first term highlights! 🙂 🙂

Looking forward to lots more fun and learning as we move onto term two!

IMG_0136 IMG_0138 P7_6 Term 1 IMG_0168 IMG_0170 IMG_0992 IMG_1007 IMG_1013 IMG_1015 IMG_1025 IMG_1033 IMG_0015 IMG_0031 IMG_0044 IMG_0046 IMG_0104 IMG_0108 IMG_0111 IMG_0123 IMG_0133IMG_1146 IMG_1150 IMG_1139 IMG_1136 IMG_1135 IMG_1132 IMG_1129




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