Mid Calder 40th Anniversary Open Afternoon

This term every class have had a focus on Mid Calder for their Interdisciplinary Learning context for learning. Classes have investigated different aspects of Mid Calder from its location to its history, shops to services provided in our area. Thank you to everyone who came along to help us celebrate.

If you did not have a chance to complete an evaluation, please click here.

Nursery Official Opening

Today we welcomed Executive Councillor for Education, David Dodds to officially open our new nursery building.

We showcased our school’s musical talents by the nursery children singing a song,  Leah played the keyboard and the P6 pupils sang a song from the Lion King. Invited guests included Jim Cameron, Head of Education, Mvairi Lynch, Early Years Development Officer, and other representatives from the council as well as Keith Earley, contracts manager from Hadden Contraction. Representatives from the Parent Council and PSA also joined us.

Thank you for everyone who came along to help us celebrate.


This week Primary 2 have been working very hard learning about Money as part of their IDL Topic.

LI We are learning to use different coins to pay an exact amount

SC I can read the cost of an item

I can choose the coins I need to pay for it

First, we looked at all the coins very carefully and practised recognising and sorting them by putting them into different money banks.

Next we looked at the cost of items in the toy shop, and discussed which coins we could use to pay for it. We discovered that there were different ways of making the same amount. Soon, we were trying to make the exact amount using the fewest number of coins.

Perhaps we will be able to use our skills at home too, by using coins to pay for some items next time we go shopping.

Mrs Smith would love to hear how we get on!




Mid Calder Swimmers

It was great to hear that three pupils from Mid Calder PS took part in the West Lothian Schools’ Swimming Championships on Sunday. Bethan, Olivia (both P7) and Fraser (P7/6) had to qualify for these championships and then took part in two races each on the day. Well done to each of them for their achievements! Their results are below:


16/27 Girls 12 and under 50 metre freestyle.

11/17 Girls 12 and under 50 metre butterfly.



12/27 Girls 12 and under 50 metre freestyle.

6/15 Girls 12 and under 50 metre backstroke.



16/21 Boys 12 and under 50 metre freestyle.

5/5 Boys 12 and under 50 metre butterfly.

Back in time with Primary 5C!

As part of Mid Calder Primary School’s 40th Birthday celebrations, we decided to look back across the last 4 decades at the news and culture of the 70s, 80s, 90s and Noughties.

As a homework task, P5 were asked to research a particular decade and share what we had found with the rest of the class. It was surprising how many things from 40 years ago are still with us, like Queen Elizabeth, Star Wars and James Bond movies!

We had lots of fun researching the fashions, movies and music of each decade and all our parents (and teacher!) were able to help us out with their memories of years gone by.

We thoroughly enjoyed sharing our learning with our parents and carers at assembly – we especially enjoyed dressing up in the fashions of the day!

New shop opens in Mid Calder!

P5a have fully embraced the challenge of creating a new shop for Mid Calder main street. As a class we have  been looking at what shops we have in our main street and if it fits the purpose of living in the 21st century. We first drew a map of our village and identified what shops/businesses we had and where they were situated. Once we had completed this we then discussed the needs of our village and what could we benefit from. All of the children had to justify why they had made their choice of what shop they would open in the village and all  were very enthusiastic about designing and making their own shop/business. We have also been looking at measure which will help us when we start to make a model of our shop/business. We will be making our shop/business models over the next few weeks and then the children will have to make a pitch as to why their business should be chosen for Mid Calder main street……..look out for our fantastic designs on future blogs.

Have a great weekend.

Miss Anderson & P5a

West Lothian Maths Contest on Sumdog

P1-7 have been entered to take part in Sumdog’s West Lothian Maths Contest. This runs from 10-16th November and can be played at both home and at school using the Sumdog website or app. All pupils should have their Sumdog log in their homework diary/ book.

The children have to answer 1000 questions and their score is based on accuracy, not speed or winning games. There are also prizes to be won and certificates will be given out at assembly for those children in the top 50 from across West Lothian.

Good luck everyone!

Primary 4 invite you to see our Mid Calder businesses!

This week Primary 4 have been learning how to write an invitation to persuade someone in their family to visit Mid Calder’s open afternoon.

We are learning to write an invitation.

  1. *I can write to someone I know.

*I can use persuasive language to encourage someone to come to my event.

*I can include the date, place and time of my event.

*I can use a colon in the appropriate places.

Primary 4 will be sending out their invitations this week and look forward to their visitors coming to see their new businesses!



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