Today we had our first House Meeting and the Vice and House Captains did a fantastic job or organising and leading the meeting. They created their own House Meeting Agenda which started with discussing the House Community Contract, followed by a Community Builder so that we could get to know everyone in our house. They completed a Values Vote to select which 2 values their house would stand for. Then they set the challenge of designing a logo and slogan for their house. The results will be shared at the assembly on Friday. Well done on a fantastic first House Meeting!
Category Archives: Learning Stories
Super Sushi!
LI: We are learning about traditional Japanese foods.
SC: I can discuss the different foods that Japanese people eat
I can listen to and follow instructions on how to make sushi
Today Japan came to P7/6 and so did the smell of tuna!!! We are loving our new topic on Japan. We have already learned about the Japanese flag, Mount Fuji and cherry blossoms. We have researched the natural disasters that are common to Japan and have created an informative poster detailing facts, causes and ways to keep safe. It was now time to learn more about the traditional foods that Japanese people eat and to make some sushi for ourselves!
Our class were set off on a food challenge to find more information about sushi using the netbooks and Mrs Murray called out small groups to the class ‘kitchen’. First, we boiled the sushi rice. It was so stodgy and sticky. We used bamboo sushi mats to place our nori (seaweed sheets) on. We then had to place the rice on 2 thirds of the nori sheet. Our top tip when touching the rice is to always have wet hands, because we found that if our hands were too dry, the rice stuck to them. Next we used our finger to create a thin dent across the middle of the rice, this is where our filling went. We chose tuna and cucumber. Then came the tricky bit……rolling the sushi! We had to be very gentle and delicate with our hands. Once we had our long cylinder shaped sushi roll we moved over to the chopping board and cut it in to smaller pieces. We then added some soy sauce and ate it! Most of us were quite surprised at how much we enjoyed the taste. Some of us didn’t like it at all!
This was an exciting lesson where we had to use lots of different life skills. We had to listen, follow instructions, have the confidence to taste new foods, follow safety rules when using sharp knives, sharing space and utensils and of course we then had to clean up afterwards! A fantastic day, full of lots of fun and learning.
Walking our Wigs off in the Middle Area
This week in Primary 1 we have been reading the story of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ as part of our work in Literacy.
LI We are learning to sequence events in a story.
SC I can put the pictures in the correct order to tell a story with a beginning, a middle and an end.
The children worked really hard sorting the pictures, and they were even able to use the correctly sequenced pictures to tell the story clearly to a partner.
Great work P1!
P5/4 Rainforest Animal Fact Files
P5/4 have been researching about animals that live in the rainforest. They have then been using their findings to create fact files. They have found out a huge amount of interesting information about their chosen animals.
Learning intention: We are learning to create a fact file.
Success criteria: I can use my notes to help me create my fact file.
Success criteria: I can use the correct format and layout.
Here are some examples of the learning that took place:
We are looking forward to finding out lots more about the rainforest in the coming weeks!
P1 Meet the Teacher
It was lovely to see so many parents of Primary 1 children in school last week. Please see the attached presentation which was shared on the night, giving an insight into P1. The Learning Letter is also attached for your information.
P1b Materials Hunt
LI: We are learning about materials.
SC: I can describe and compare different materials, including plastic, paper, metal and fabric.
SC: I can group everyday objects by material and explain my decisions.
This week Primary 1b have been learning about different materials. We began by exploring a variety of different materials and discussing how each one looks and feels. Then the children applied what they learned to a ‘materials hunt’. In four teams, they searched around the classroom for everyday objects made of plastic, paper, metal and fabric. The children grouped the objects by material, and were great at justifying their decisions. For example, Rory explained that he thought a 5 pence coin was made of metal because it was hard and shiny. Brandon also explained that a teddy bear he found in the classroom was fabric because it was soft and fluffy.
We are now applying what we learned about materials to help us design and create a castle for our classroom.
P3 – Our Little Red Riding Hood Story Map
We have been learning to create a story map for a traditional tale. We worked together as a class to make a story map for Little Red Riding Hood. We had to make sure that it made sense and we told the story in the right order. Here is our success criteria that helped us to make a fabulous map! –
Sequence – Beginning, Middle, End
Writing, including WoW! words
Direction – so we don’t get lost following the map
Thought bubbles, Speech bubbles
It took a long time to do, but it was fun! Joni liked that we had taken our time over making the map. When we looked at our finished map, we were all very proud of what we had made. Oliver thought it was outstanding, Abby was surprised that it took a long time to do but was amazed to see what we had done and Ruari was excited. Georgia had a great idea at when she saw the finished map and so we added some wolf footprints to show his journey! Theo loved this! We knew that we had been successful because we had included everything in our success criteria.
Our next step is to create our own individual story map for the traditional tale, 3 Billy Goats Gruff! We can’t wait, we are SO excited!
You will see our finished map book when you come to our Open Day!
Meet the teacher P3
Thank you very much to those parents who managed to attend our Meet The Teacher event recently, it was lovely to meet so many of you! For those of you unable to attend, the powerpoint Meet the Teacher P3 from the evening has been attached.
We look forward to seeing you at our Open Day on the 15th October!
Story Maps are happening in P3/2
What excitment is happening with our |IDL context and story writing. The last few weeks have seen P3/2 look at a selection of traditional tales. The focus has been;
LIT 1.26a & 1.07a
We are learning to recognise the elements used to create traditional fairy tales
- I can sequence events from a traditional fairy tale – Little Red Riding Hood.
- I can identify the beginning, middle and end.
- I can listen to and respond to questions.
First we looked at a selection of story maps and identified what we felt made them successful
Success Criteria; (a Sory map should have)
- A sequence – beginning, middle and end
- Characters – major and minor
- Pictures or illustrations
- Writing that supports the pictures to tell a story
- Directions – as we don’t want to get lost! – a path or foot prints
- May have speech and/or thought bubbles
Next we created a class ‘story map’ using the story of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ as a stimulus. All the children were invovled in creating our master piece…please see below
Next Steps:
We will make our own story maps of the story ‘The Three Little Pigs’