Category Archives: Nursery

Celebrating Book & Nursery Rhyme week

Over the last fortnight we have celebrated World Book week and Nursery Rhyme week. We started with a visit from Rachel McGaw who read ‘The Kilted Coo’.  Then we were challenged to learn a different nursery rhyme every day, starting with 5 Currant Buns which we acted out. Next was  Humpty Dumpty, we had fun clapping each time we said Humpty and Dumpty. Our favourite was A Sailor went to Sea,  clapping 3 times every time we said sea or see. We finished the week with  I’m a Little Teapot and Round and Round the Garden. As a treat we invited our parents and carers in to hear our rhymes and watch the children receive their Book Bug Bags.   They enjoyed home baking and shortbread made by the children then participated in our nursery rhyme concert. It’s been a fabulous few weeks celebrating with our families.

Digital Dress Down Day

Yesterday, the Technical Troopers organised a Digital Dress Down Day to raise funds to further support digital learning in Mid Calder Primary School. Our pupils were challenged to dress up as a character from an online or digital game, an emoji or a piece of technology.

Thank you to everyone who took part and donated. We raised a fantastic £175.05 and we can’t wait to share what we spend it on with everyone.

Digital Leaders for Digital Learning Week 2018

To celebrate Education Scotland’s National Digital Learning Week, our Technical Troopers have been working extremely hard to make a #digitaldifference in Mid Calder Primary School. They have delivered lessons across all stages of our school, teaching our pupils how to use a range of digital tools to enhance their learning. P3 received a lesson on how to use the Glow tool Forms, while P4 learned how to the Glow tool, Sway. The Technical Troopers helped our Nursery children to develop their positional language by using the Bee-Bots, as well as supporting P1 with creating an animation using Puppet Pals 2. Primary 6 and 7/6 were given a range of coding sites on their Yammer page to explore, while P2 developed their programming skills using Scratch Jr. Primary 5 were shown how to use the different features of iMovie.

The Technical Troopers received lots of positive feedback from both the teachers and the pupils, and they did a fantastic job at sharing their own digital skills confidently to make a #digitaldifference. Check out the video that they scripted and edited to showcase what they got up to:

Digital Week in the Nursery

This week we have been continuing to explore and develop our digital learning. Some children were using the iPads to scan QR codes to unveil which well being indicator character was hidden. Displaying confidence and  leading their own learning, they were able to demonstrate to their peers how to do this. We have enjoyed learning how to turn our Adventure Ted adventures in to a comic using comic life, displaying these in our foyer for everyone to read. Using our iPod we chose which song we would like to dance to, also enjoying a game of musical statues. We recorded our indoor and outdoor play with our GoPro then enjoyed a visit from The Technical Troopers who helped develop our directional language when teaching us how to program the Bee-Bots.


Active Alfie!

To develop our understanding of the well being indicators the children created names for them one being ‘Active Alfie.’ We spoke about how we keep ourselves active during nursery by taking part in enjoy a ball sessions,  sticky kids and our outdoor activities. We know that this is a good way to stay fit and healthy but the most important thing is that we have fun.


Nursery Outdoor Adventures!

Have a look at the adventures our nursery children are having in the outdoors and in the local community. We regularly visit our school wilderness area, where we use our senses to spot the changes in season, identify mini beasts and also use our numeracy skills to count the daffodils! We are also gaining confidence when climbing, balancing and jumping and we know how to keep ourselves safe.

We visit our community to sing to the residents at Cunnigar House, visit the local cafe, and look at the interesting buildings on the way.

We have been very excited to welcome tadpoles to our nursery and have enjoyed caring for them. We have dug out a pond for them in our nursery garden and we are looking forward to seeing how the grow and change over the next few weeks.

Take a look…….