Category Archives: Interdisciplinary Learning

Primary 3 fun money challenges!

This week our class were focussing on money! We took part in 5 different activities.

Activity 1

Activity 1: We had a few bowls of different coins and cards with amounts on them. We had to make the amount on the card with our coins.

Activity 2

Activity 2: We played money games on Sumdog. Emma says “It was great fun!”

Activity 3 Activity 3 Activity 3

Activity 3: We had a go at different money worksheets. Some of them were a tricky challenge but helped us learn!


Activity 4

Activity 4: Kaitlin enjoyed picking a money card and finding the matching coin card!


Activity 5 Activity 5 Activity 5

Activity 5: Money Bingo was fun! We had to pick a card from the pile and if the total matched the price of a toy on your bingo card then you won that card.


Daisy: “I liked the games that were on Sumdog, especially the challenge Miss Burton set for us!”

Eilidh: “I liked playing on Sumdog. I found some of the games and questions really tricky and some easy. I really enjoyed it!”

Euan: “I enjoyed playing Sumdog and learning new sums involving money!”

Sophie: “I used money at home this week. I had to buy cans of food and work out the prices!”

Marc: “I have been counting up in 5 pences up to 100 at home this week!”

P4B Money Week

Learning Intention: We are learning to spend within a budget.
Success Criteria:
– I understand what a budget is and can keep within it.
– I can discuss and plan spending with others.
– I can use ICT to select items and work out their cost.
– I can apply addition strategies to work out total amount spent.

In groups, pupils were asked to discuss, plan and select different items to buy for the school’s new nursery playground. Pupils had a budget of £500 and had to buy at least 10 exciting items for the new playground. We used netbooks to research different shopping sites and select various items. We were also able to apply our knowledge of money and addition to calculate the total about spent.

Dynamic Earth

Our Trip to Dynamic Earth

On Monday P4 visited Dynamic Earth as part of our Crazy Climates topic. We had great fun visiting all the different areas learning about how life was formed and we learned about different areas of the world. Our favourite part was the touching the Arctic ice, and we challenged ourselves to touch it for as long as possible. Adam touched it for the longest at just over a minute. Our most interesting facts was that trees in the rainforest are as tall as 6 double decker buses pilled on top of one another!

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P4B Trip to Dynamic Earth

P4B had a fantastic day at Dynamic Earth this week! It was a super opportunity for us to learn more about the different climates we have been learning about in class, but also to learn more about planet earth and how it was formed.  We loved all the different hands on activities we were able to take part in and touching the giant block of ice in the Arctic Section was our favourite!
After exploring Dynamic Earth we finished off the day with an interesting workshop on the Rainforest. We were able to share all the facts we already knew about the rainforest and also learn new interesting information.

What a super day, we would love to go back again soon!


A postcard from the rainforest.

Learning Intention:

We are learning how to write a postcard. 

Success Criteria:

I can include specific features of a postcard that include;

  • Layout
  • Stamp
  • Address

I can use interesting vocabulary in my postcard.

This week in writing, we researched facts about  different rainforests in the world and watched an informative video. Then we used all our knowledge we had learned, to decide which rainforest we would write from and what we would experience if we spent a holiday there. We came up with lots of fantastic adjectives to describe our experience in the rainforest including different aspects such as the climate, food and animals.

Super effort, primary 4a.

P7/6 WW2 Leaders

LI: We are learning to identify the leaders of the ‘Allied’ and ‘Axis’ Countries.

All of the children worked in groups to research one of the five leaders – Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Benito Mussolini. Once the children had completed their leader they then began to draw a life size picture. When all leaders are complete, each group will present their leader and mini biography to the rest of the class.

As our topic is WW2, we have been letting the air raid siren off during different times of the day to give the children some experience of what it might be like during the war. As you can see from our pictures below the children know exactly what to do. Can anyone spot Katie?

I hope you all have a lovely September weekend.

Miss Anderson

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P3’s Rainforest Poems

Liam Logan Kaitlin Wilson Ciara Ritchie Dean Hunter Eilidh Taylor

Our topic this term is The Rainforest. We have been working hard to write poems about The Rainforest using our 5 senses!

Our learning intention:

We are learning to write a poem about The Rainforest.


Our success criteria:

I can write a sentence about what I can see, hear, touch, taste and smell in the rainforest.

I can use an adjective in each sentence to describe the rainforest.

I can check that my writing makes sense.


Description of Activities:

We started by using a mind map to note down words of things we could see, smell, taste, touch and hear. Miss Clark played rainforest music in the background to help us imagine that we were in the rainforest.

We then had to put our senses words into sentences and use an adjective to describe the rainforest.

Once we had written our sentences we had to pick which ones we wanted to use in our poems. We had to start each line with ‘I can’ and include a senses word and an adjective.

We really enjoyed writing our poems and sharing them with the class.

Ben enjoyed reading his poem out to the class and felt confident!

Ciara enjoyed imagining that she was in the rainforest to help her add words to her mind map.

Sophie enjoyed writing her poem.

Daisy enjoyed adding detail to her rainforest picture to illustrate her poem.

Marc enjoyed sharing his poem with the class because he had worked hard.


Assessment of work:

We had to assess our own work by looking at the success criteria and putting a tick in the box if we had completed each part.

XVI.IX.MMXVI- Roman Numerals in P5B

Learning intention: We are learning to read Roman numerals and identify the place value of each symbol

As our IDL context for learning in P5B is The Romans, we have been learning how the Roman used to write numbers in our maths lessons this week. We learned that they used letters to represent numbers, for example, I=1, V=5, X=10 L=50, C= 100, D=500, M=1000. We learned about some of the rules involved in creating Roman numerals including that you can’t use the same symbol 3 times in a row and there is no symbol for 0.

We worked in stations to learn about Roman numerals.

Teaching station: We explored Roman numerals by using symbol cards to create our own. We were challenged to write our ages, birthdays, favourite numbers and the date in Roman numerals. Some of us also completed a Roman numeral crossword and some filled in a number square using the correct Roman symbols.

ICT station: We played two different online games to test our knowledge. Why don’t you have a go?
Roman Numeral Game
Roman Numeral Quiz

Game station: We played Roman numeral bingo, as well as a game of Roman numeral loop cards. Mhari and Lucy also invented a Roman numeral game based on one we had playing last week when we were learning about place value. They became our teachers and did a fantastic job!

Can you guess our birthdays?



Stephen: I.V.MMVII