Category Archives: Maths & Numeracy

Primary 1 and Primary 2/1: Building Our Nursery

For our STEM context for learning we are going to be helping the builders to build our nursery!

Our learning will focus on:

  • Science: Materials
  • Technologies: Design
  • Maths: Measure

The questions we decided we wanted to explore are:

  1. What materials will we use to build our nursery and why?
  2. What machines will we need and how do they work?
  3. Which tools will we use to build our nursery and why?
  4. Who will help us build our nursery?
  5. How will we design the inside of our nursery and what will we need?
  6. When will we open our new nursery and how will we open it?

Primary 3/2 STEM Context: Brompton Bike Challenge

For our STEM context for learning we are going to be learning about the Brompton Bike Challenge!

Our learning will focus on:

  • Science: Senses and Materials
  • Technologies: Design
  • Maths: Measure

The questions we decided we wanted to explore are:

  1. What is a safe bike? Who uses bikes? RESEARCH and NOTE TAKING ON MIND MAP
  2. What senses are used with a bike accessory? SENSES
  3. What materials are used to make a bike accessory? RESEARCH and MATERIALS
  4. How do you design a bike accessory.? DESIGN and PROBLEM SOLVING (design brief)
  5. How do you build a bike accessory? MEASURE and CONSTRUCTION

Profiling Tool

The documents below show what your child will be learning when they are working withing a specific level. This should help you support their learning at home. Our pupils use these profiling tool when they are setting individual and group targets.








P1 Counting

We are learning to skip count.

SC  I can count forwards and backwards in twos

After reading the story of The King’s Socks, we each designed a pair of socks as a birthday gift for the King. We used stripes and spots to create patterns. We also learnt that a pair means there are two of something, and they are the same.

dscn1563    dscn1552

Next, we sorted a big pile of real socks into pairs. Then we used them to help us count in twos. We counted all the way to 10 and then to 20. Counting back was quite tricky, but we will keep practising!


P1 Number Talks

We are learning to use different strategies to help us add

SC I can look at the pattern and say how many there are altogether

I can talk about the strategy I used

In Primary 1, during our recent Number Talks, we have been focusing our attention on  Addition. We have been using dot patterns and ten frame patterns to help us. We look carefully as the pattern is flashed onto the SmartBoard, and we quickly work out how many dots or counters we see altogether. It’s very interesting to listen to each other’s ideas, and talk about the different  strategies that have been used. For instance, we often  talk about using Doubles, counting in twos, knowing number bonds and counting on to help us.

We practise our Addition in other ways too. Sometimes we play games together or use ICT.dscn1541dscn1529dscn1544dscn1546dscn1527dscn1525 dscn1549 dscn1550

Here are a couple of games that we enjoy playing in class.    (addition within 10)  (total less than 10)


P5a Maths

P5a Maths

Learning Intention:

We are learning to display information in frequency tables and bar charts and understand the impact of scale on these

Success Criteria:

  • I can ask and answer questions about information displayed in frequency tables and bar graphs
  • I understand the impact of scale on pictograms and bar graphs and can use this to make sensible choices about what scale to use
  • I can create my own pictogram or bar graph choosing an appropriate scale, labels for axes and title
  • I can ask and answer questions about bar line graphs

As part of our IDL topic on Natural Disasters, we have been learning about different ways of displaying data and how to interpret information shown on charts and graphs.

We looked at a selection of graphs and answered questions about the data displayed on them. We then surveyed our class and created our own graphs. When we could confidently do this, we looked at data about volcanic eruptions around the world and created bar graphs to show the number of deaths caused by these.  As we were working with large numbers we had to adjust the scale of our graphs accordingly to ensure they were accurate and that they would fit on the page! Next we will be learning how to create pie charts and line graphs.

Winter Ready Homework: P1

Both P1 classes have been set a homework challenge on SumDog. All questions are about numbers 1-10 to reinforce what they have been learning in class. You can access SumDog by downloading the free app or by going to The pupils log ins are in their homework jotters.

To select the correct SumDog Challenge, select Maths from the left hand side and then Homework Challenge.

To show that you are Winter Ready and can access the blog, please leave a comment below to say which is your child’s favourite game on SumDog.
