Category Archives: Expressive Arts

Crafty P6s and Mrs Sheriff learn how to use Rug Hooks 15.1.19

Crafty P6s get to grips with finger knitting, using rug hooks to make tufts, natural weaving with twigs and my favourite from childhood -The Peg Doll.

We would love to have any crafters in to help on Tuesday afternoons to share skill and support our fledging knitting and weaving. Any wool donations or other resources would be most welcome. Our Wee Elves dropped in too:-))


Celebrating Book & Nursery Rhyme week

Over the last fortnight we have celebrated World Book week and Nursery Rhyme week. We started with a visit from Rachel McGaw who read ‘The Kilted Coo’.  Then we were challenged to learn a different nursery rhyme every day, starting with 5 Currant Buns which we acted out. Next was  Humpty Dumpty, we had fun clapping each time we said Humpty and Dumpty. Our favourite was A Sailor went to Sea,  clapping 3 times every time we said sea or see. We finished the week with  I’m a Little Teapot and Round and Round the Garden. As a treat we invited our parents and carers in to hear our rhymes and watch the children receive their Book Bug Bags.   They enjoyed home baking and shortbread made by the children then participated in our nursery rhyme concert. It’s been a fabulous few weeks celebrating with our families.

P5’s Outdoor Adventures

Primary 5 have had a great few weeks exploring the school’s woodland areas and using the space as an ‘outdoor classroom’ for various challenges in Literacy, Art, Technologies and Health and Wellbeing.

As a class, we have been reading ‘Billy & the Minpins’ by Roald Dahl. Challenge one saw us using our visualisation skills to imagine what the Gruncher (a terrible man and Minpin-eating creature) would look like and then creating natural art inspired by Andy Goldsworthy.

Challenge two was based our Technologies skills. We had to design and create bridges for the Minpins to travel from tree to tree. There were some magical creations!

Our final challenge was very different! We used the woodland as a setting for ‘yogateering’. Pupils had to find, memorise and repeat various yoga sequences to earn points for their team.

Overall, we have thoroughly enjoyed taking our learning outdoors and hope to do more in the new year.


Lively Sculptures at Gallery Trip.


National Museum Of Modern Art

Monday 8th October 2018

On Thursday 13th September Mr Renshaw, Ms Brolls And Primary 5 went to the National museum of modern art. Each pair got a ipad see primary 5 could take pictures of modern art. We Got Split Into two groups. Half went with heather and the other half went with poppy. We went to see lovely outdoor sculptures. There was one were people thought was either a penguin. Some thought it looked like a black bottle. Next we went to see  a huge green grassy Mountains. It had small lakes. It was a beautiful day. There was a beautiful sculpture it looked like a mermaid. When we were walking past the playground and we thought some things were like sculptures. There were light blue huge rocks. There were tall ones and small ones. They were in  different shapes and sizes. They had gold pieces. It looked like they were on a piece of paper and printed it on. There was lots too see

Later in the day we went to modern gallery 2 (MOD2). Before we went to walk across the road there were one other sculpture it was this metal person sitting on a rock. It was close to the road. You had to look around the corner. After we walked across the road there was a sculpture. It was like a sign. It was glowing. It Said ’ ’There will be no miracles here. We went inside the building. We went up these wooden stairs. Next we got in too a room. In the room we got in to groups and partners. I was with my best friend. We decided to make a goat with a fox. We used Sharp pencils, oil pastels, scissors, navy blue foil, cardboard and a bamboo stick. After we all had lots fun we had to tidy up. We went to the field there was a sculpture it was like a wind mill. But it was made out of very thin triangles. Then we went back too modern gallery 1 (MOD1) we collected our food and went outside. Me my friend and some boys went to a hexagon we could sit inside it. It was raining we went inside. We had fun and we were laughing. It was a very nice day. Some people stayed outside and the other children went to see more art. When we came back again. Different children went inside we had lots of time to play. There was heavy rain we all enjoyed the rain. Later on we had to go in the bus. We waited for a while. The other children were collecting art work. It was raining a bit less than earlier. I was a bit upset. Our Sculpture was missing. My Friend was also upset. We worked very hard on it. We went on the bus we enjoyed our time. We were on the bus for about an hour. We eventually got back. It was nearly home time. After we got packed and went home.




First Term and MCPS -Let’s Celebrate Art and Creativity






































In Term 1 we had two Art trips – one to the Modern Art Gallery and the other to Jupiter Artland.

This led to many creative artworks including salt crystal paintings, digital photography and digital art using apps on the i-pads. Here is the first in the gallery of what the P5s and P6s achieved. Amazing!