Category Archives: English & Literacy

P6 French vocabulary

P6 have been learning French vocabulary we learned the days of the week and the month. Monday – lundi, Tuesday- mardi, Wednesday- mercredi, Thursday – jeudi, Friday – vendredi, Saturday – samedi and Sunday is dimanche. Those are the days of the week in French. Here are the months January – Janvier, February – Février, May – Mars, April – Avril, May – Mai, June – Juin, July – Juillet, August- Août, September- Septembre, October – Octobre, November- Novembre and December is Décembre. These French words will help us if we ever go on holiday to France and also we can talk in French to our class mates and teachers. Here are some extra words. How are you – Comment allez-vous, What day is it – Quel jour est-il, What time is it – Quelle heure est-il and what is for dinner – Qu’est-ce qu’on mange. We also learned some other words such as can I go to the toilet. Written by Alicia,Iona and Caitlin

Digital Learning Week in P3

To celebrate National Digital Learning Week, Primary 3 have used a range of digital technologies to enhance their learning across the curriculum.

In maths, we have been taking part in the UK National Sumdog Contest to develop our mental maths skills, as well as using Purple Mash and Table Mountain to help us to learn our times tables. In literacy, we have been looking at the genre of Science Fiction, and we used Puppet Pals 2 to bring some our stories to life. We also completed a ‘Space Race’ quiz using QR codes. We had to follow clues to locate QR codes hidden around the school, then use our skimming and scanning skills to to answer space questions using the links.

As part of our IDL context, NASA Juniors: Mission X, Primary 7 led a Virtual Reality session using their own devices. They rocketed us up into space, allowing us to explore the International Space Station, take a closer look behind the scenes of the Moon Landing, and explore a space museum. One of the Primary 7 Technical Troopers then helped us to use the Glow tool, Forms, to create our own space themed quiz. We posted these onto our Yammer page and completed each other’s quizzes.

We love using digital tools to enhance our learning in lots of different ways and Primary 3 feel like they have become ‘Digital Divas’ this year 🙂

Evie: “When I was young, I never used to use technology but then I discovered how good it was when I got my own iPad. Now I like using Yammer on the iPad and computer because I like commenting about what the teachers and people have posted.”

Rose: “I like using digital technologies because it is fun and it helps your learning.”

Sam: “I like playing games on the iPads and using paint on the netbooks. It makes learning fun.”

P1W Digital Learning Week 2018

This week we have enjoyed participating in a lesson run by our fantastic technical troopers! They came into our class and demonstrated how to use Puppet Pals 2 on the Ipads. We then developed our tinkering and experimentation skills by trying out all the different features of the application. We really enjoyed taking pictures of our friends and making them into different characters. We even managed to create some fantastic videos, using our voices to make stories and sound effects!

In class we have also been continuing to enjoy using digital technology to enhance our learning. We have been using teach your monster to read in language. You can access this at home using your password at the front of your homework jotter using our special class link:

We have even been using Purple Mash, as part of our learning for our IDL castles context, to create patterned and symmetrical flags, decorate a castle with different types of materials and lots of other games. You can access all our castles learning tasks by visiting the purple mash link below and entering your login details at the front of your homework jotter. Then visit the red to do section at the top of the page.

Forget The Beast from the East. Ice Art from Harbin Anyone?


Have a go at making an igloo? With help from adults you can make snow bricks and a great den. How will you decorate the interior?

The Scandinavians have long dark winters but try to create warmth with candles, blankets etc What is Danish hygge?

Check out images of Harbin in China and their amazing snow and ice sculpture event for 3-D ideas.

Go to new places to enjoy the snow and the views. Take some pictures of wintry trees and then use these as an art inspiration. Victoria Crowe is an artist who has done just that. Google her.

What can you make with icicles? What can you make with powdery snow or another kind of snow.

Il neige. It is snowing in French. How many other languages can you say that in? The winner wins an ice-cream. Try making a fun-flavoured ice-cream outside!

If you can get on skis and sledges and swish through The White Stuff!