All posts by Miss Burton

Mission 3: The Solar System

Creating a Human Solar System

Today we braved the weather to create our own human solar system to scale in the playground so we could put into perspective the distance each planet was from the sun.

Making a Solar System Factfile

This week in our home teams we have been busy researching the planets in the solar system. We had to use websites to use find out specific information about planets, and had a list of questions to research. We use Yammer to share useful websites that were reliable so we did not waste time. We also used the key questions to search for key information. We learned that the phrases we use in a search engine is important to finding answers quickly. We also had to skim and scan websites for key information. We supported each other with using a range of search engines and finding the AAL network. Then we shared our notes with each other. Our next steps are to look at reliable sources on the internet as we realised some of us had different answers. We will now use this information to create an electronic factfile.

Cosmos Planetarium

Today Primary 4 had a visit from Cosmos Planetarium to help put our current context of Project Planetarium into a real life. Cosmos Planetarium is a state of the art, 360° theatre experience. We were transported on a journey through the solar system and beyond – from flying through Saturn’s rings to diving into Jupiter’s icy moon, Europa, to search it’s vast ocean for signs of life. We learned about the first moon landing, as well as what life might be like on the moon in future. We took a virtual tour of the International Space Station and were able to share our knowledge of Tim Peake from the biographies we wrote about his life and experiences last week. We also were able to ask different questions about the solar system and find out new information that will help us with Mission 3!


Project Planetarium: Mission 2

We are learning to safely observe and recording the sun and moon at various times.

We are learning to describe the patterns of movement of the sun and moon and changes over time.

  • I can safely observe the sun and moon and make recordings of what I see.
  • I can understand the stages of the moon.
  • I can relate these to the length of a day, a month and a year.

This week Primary 4 have been investigating the sun and the moon, we started by watching a video from Glow Science about Day and Night. You can view the video here by using your Glow log in. We then made our own sun viewers so we could safely view the sun. When we went outside to observe the sun we observed that it was in the west.

We then investigated the different phases of the moon by replicating a lunar month by using Oreo cookies and creating a phases of the moon flip book. We self and peer assessed our work using Yammer.

Learning at home:

  • As homework we are recording what the moon looks like each night.
  • Ask us to log into Yammer so you can see our learning and leave a comment with us. We need our Glow log in for this.
  • Take us to the library we can read books and find out information about the sun and moon.

Primary 7/6 Learning Letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 4 in Primary 7/6.  In this last term the children are looking forward to planning and developing their knowledge and understanding of STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Exciting and challenging lessons and activities will be completed by the pupils, using the context of CSI style investigations.  Here the pupils will have the opportunity to develop reasoning and logical thinking within problem solving scenarios.  We are excited about P7 leavers activities and starting with our new roles in P6 in preparation for P7.

Mrs Murray and Miss Gordon

learning letter p7.6 term 4

Visit from Scottish Mediation

The Primary 7 Magical Mediators had a meeting today with Roxan from the Scottish Mediation to discuss our Magical Mediators process. The discussed the benefits to the pupils at school and in the real world. They also discussed potential difficulties and how they overcame them. Roxan was very complimentary about our Magical Mediators and how they were a great asset to the school.

Photos and videos to follow!

P7 Learning Letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 4 in Primary 7. In this last term the children are looking forward to planning and developing their knowledge and understanding of STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Exciting and challenging lessons and activities will be completed by the pupils, using the context of CSI style investigations.  Here the pupils will have the opportunity to develop reasoning and logical thinking within problem solving scenarios.  We are excited about P7 leavers’ activities. P7 are now in the process of transferring their responsible roles onto P6.

Miss Anderson

Learning letter T4 1

Primary 6 Learning Letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 4 in Primary 6.  This term the children are looking forward to planning and developing their knowledge and understanding of STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Exciting and challenging lessons and activities will be completed by the pupils, using the context of CSI style investigations.  Here the pupils will have the opportunity to developing reasoning and logical thinking within problem solving scenarios.  We also have another exciting trip to look forward to, linked to our Health and Wellbeing topic for next term.  This will be a busy but exciting term and we are looking forward to continuing to work hard and progress well.

Mrs Ross

Dates for up and coming events:

28th April:  Parents Sex Education Evening at 6 p.m.

9th May:  Primary 6 trip to Edinburgh Zoo

learning letter p6 term 4

Primary 4 Learning Letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 4 in Primary 4. We are very much looking forward to working with Primary 4 over the next few weeks. The highlights of last term included hearing from specialist speakers linked to our Grand Designs topic, our NYCOS workshops and attending the benchball Sports Festival. This term we have started our new IDL context for learning Project Planetarium and we investigating ways we can share our learning using Glow. We are looking forward to our session with Cosmos Planetarium. You can follow our learning on the school blog:

Miss Burton and Mrs Redmond

Learning Letter P4 Term 4


Anytime Anywhere Learning: Yammer!

This afternoon P4 have been exploring Yammer, one of the services available from Glow. We have created a secure Yammer Group for our P4 Interdisciplinary Context for Learning – Project Planetarium. In this group Miss Burton uploaded photos from of our learning and we had to comment on our learning. We also uploaded our Tim Peake Biography’s and peer assessed them. We are excited about the possibilities of Yammer to help us share our learning and collaborate with each other.

Great Edinburgh Run – Playground Fundraising

Liam (P3) and Alivia (nursery) are running in the Great Edinburgh run next Sunday and are hoping to raise funds towards the playground fund which the school and PSA are raising money for.

Below is a link to their Crowdfunding page, if you are able to spare anything, no matter how small – they would be very thankful.