All posts by Mrs Murray

Nursery Outdoor Adventures!

Have a look at the adventures our nursery children are having in the outdoors and in the local community. We regularly visit our school wilderness area, where we use our senses to spot the changes in season, identify mini beasts and also use our numeracy skills to count the daffodils! We are also gaining confidence when climbing, balancing and jumping and we know how to keep ourselves safe.

We visit our community to sing to the residents at Cunnigar House, visit the local cafe, and look at the interesting buildings on the way.

We have been very excited to welcome tadpoles to our nursery and have enjoyed caring for them. We have dug out a pond for them in our nursery garden and we are looking forward to seeing how the grow and change over the next few weeks.

Take a look…….

Nursery are Winter Ready!

Hello boys and girls,

We hope you are having fun with your family and friends on your snow days! Your teachers have been busy in the snow and have even set themselves a bake off challenge today. Look out for photos in our floorbook!

Here are some activities that you might want to do at home:-

  • First things first…… ‘Do you wanna build a snowman?’ Give him/her a name, put a photo on your learners journey and tell us about your new friend!
  • Use junk to make your snowman a friend indoors.
  • Bake some tasty treats and look at the numbers on the recipe. Can you measure the ingredients correctly?
  • Go for a number hunt around you house and local area. Where can you see numbers and why are they important? Take some photos and put them on your learners journey.
  • Practice writing your numbers in the snow. Can you use your footprints to make dotty patterns?
  • We have been using tally marks at nursery. Sort your lego in to colour groups and then record how many of each colour there is using tally marks.
  • Look for shapes around the house. Can you make some shapes using sticks, straws, playdough or go outside and make big shapes in the snow.
  • Practice writing your name. If an adult writes lots of names on a piece of paper, can you find your own name?
  • Read your favourite story. You could choose 2 books and show your family how we vote for our favourites in story time.
  • Play a game together – take turns, and look out for dotty patterns on the dice.
  • Go on to the RSPB website and find the recipe for making bird cake. This will help the wild birds who might be finding it difficult to find food.
  • Make ice balls – fill up balloons with water, hang them from a tree and leave them in the cold for a while. What do you think will happen? Take off the outer balloon and what are you left with?

Most importantly, stay safe and keep warm. We are looking forward to seeing your smiley faces back in nursery soon!

The Nursery Team


Nursery Book Bag Gifting

The nursery children were very excited today as it was the day of our book bag gifting and all our anti-preschool children were receiving their bag with lovely new books and activities inside. Our preschool children were not forgotten and were delighted to receive a new book to take home.

Some of our parents and grandparents attended the gifting and along with the children were very excited about our special visitor. The Book Bug came along to our nursery to give the boys and girls their gifts. The children enjoyed giving him hugs and high fives and loved showing him our new nursery. After our gifting the parents and grandparents went with the children in to their key groups and the teachers read the group one of the books from the anti-preschool bag. The adults were able to observe our voting system and were involved in choosing what book each group read. We used the title, cover and author to help us make the decision. We all then enjoyed reading together and listening to the stories, discussing afterwards what we liked about it.

This was a lovely way to spend our session at nursery and a super way to encourage families to read at home together and learn more about the books they enjoy.

Thank you to everyone who supported this event.



Numbers in the Nursery!

We have had a busy week in our new nursery embedding numeracy in to our play activities. During snack the children have been paying attention to how many food items they have to take and during the preparation they have been discussing cutting things in half! Here are the grapes being cut in half.

“It makes one grape in to two grapes!”


We have been using our new Promethean board to play interactive games. We have been counting objects up to 10, but some of us can count much higher than that!!



On Thursday we went on a number hunt in the nursery. The numbers were hiding behind QR codes and we had to use the ipads to read the code and find the number. Once Mrs Murray had taught some of the children how to do it, they were able to teach their friends!!

Outside in the garden the children were ordering our number mats as they jumped. We have to check that we have 8 trikes parked at the end of the day and the children have been counting how many potatoes they had harvested and how many peas were in a pod! What a busy week!



Digital Learning Week in the Nursery

The Primary 5 boys and girls came to the nursery to show us how to use the beebots. They learned positional language, forwards, backwards, side to side, left and right. They used these directions to program the beebots and make them move. They linked it to number by rolling the dice and the number they rolled was the number of moves the beebot would make.

“They were going backwards and front ways!” – Sophia

“They were really fun.” – Eilidh

“I liked the beebots because I made mine go round in a circle.” – Hannah


We used the visualiser to project the children’s writing on to the smartboard. They were able to show their friends how they wrote their name and how they formed letters. They loved seeing their work on display.

The children have continued to use the ipad apps and have enjoyed choosing songs for the new ipod! They are now in control of the music in the nursery!

The go pro was in full swing keeping track of the children’s learning. It was keeping active and was also used for the children interviewing each other about what they were doing.

Some of the boys and girls have been practicing their keyboard skills while learning their letters and sounds.


The children then helped Mrs Murray do the blog post to share their learning.

Nursery Number Walks

I can recognise numbers in the environment around me and I can talk about why they are important.

The nursery boys and girls have been learning more about numbers in the environment. At home they worked with their mummy’s and daddy’s to take photos of the numbers they saw at home and why those numbers were important. The children could tell us that buses have different numbers because they go different ways, everyone needs a different phone number and the houses on their street all have different numbers so the postman knows where to go!

The children decided that they wanted to go on a number hunt around the school! They were amazed at how many numbers they found. The children took photos with the ipads and have been trying to recognise the  numbers in the photos now they are back in the nursery. Thank you for all your help when we came over to visit your classrooms boys and girls. We really enjoyed it.


Come and Sway with the Nursery!

The nursery have started a new Sway board. It keeps you up to date with what is happening in the nursery and all the activities we are doing linked to our topic – Superheroes!! We will continue to add to this as the children move through their learning journey.

Please take a look at all the fun we are having while learning!