All posts by Mrs Redmond

P7 Leavers’ Party

We all had a great night at the P7 Leavers’ Party on Wednesday night. Everyone looked amazing and there was chips, ice cream and dancing… what more could we have asked for??!!


Goodbye & good luck Primary 7, we’ll miss you! Don’t forget to keep in touch!!

P7 News

It’s been a busy couple of weeks in Primary 7! Last week we held our annual Scottish Poetry competition. Well done to Bethan, Cailin and Olivia who were the winners from our class!

We have also been thinking about kindness in P7, linked to our Wonder topic. We created our own portraits in the style of the Wonder illustrations and surrounded them by rays of kindness.

We are continuing our work on our new IDL topic, Japan. We have been comparing Japan and Scotland, looking at similarities and differences and learning more about Japan as a country. Next we will be learning about natural disasters common to Japan. With Ms Brolls we created our own Cherry Blossom pictures.

P7 Parents come to visit!

Primary 7 were delighted to welcome so many parents, relatives and friends to our class yesterday for our Open Afternoon. We were able to show our visitors what we have been working on in our Mid Calder topic. We have given questionnaires to our family and friends to complete to find out what businesses are missing from Mid Calder. We then used the information from our market research to create a business of our own. We are now planning what our business will look like and next week, we will be creating models of our business. Watch this space for photos of our work! Thanks to all those who made it along to our Open Afternoon!

Crazy Coordinates in P7

We are learning to explore the use of coordinates to plot points and describe positions and movements on a grid.

Success Criteria:

  • I can use coordinates to describe and locate a point on a grid.
  • I can plot coordinates on a grid and connect them to complete a 2D shape.
  • I can make journeys on a grid, following instructions about the coordinates to visit.
  • I can give the coordinates of points on a grid.

Primary 7 have been learning to work with coordinates. We have been working on drawing grids accurately then plotting points for our partner to identify. We have also been identifying the coordinates of shapes and creating our own shapes. We will continue with our coordinate challenges this week.

Life of P7

During the first two weeks in P7 we have been working on our House Captain Election presentations. It has been a lot of fun, creating our own posters to put around the school, making videos and having fun when we were doing the presentations. We worked with other team mates to help them with their video, Powerpoint and speeches. We were nervous but we all really enjoyed it. We were all very supportive of each other and we are looking forward to celebrating the results at assembly.

We are very excited about the start of a new year in P7. This week we created our P7 Class Charter and we have been working hard to follow it throughout the week. We hope this will help us have a successful and enjoyable P7.