Nursery are Winter Ready!

Hello boys and girls,

We hope you are having fun with your family and friends on your snow days! Your teachers have been busy in the snow and have even set themselves a bake off challenge today. Look out for photos in our floorbook!

Here are some activities that you might want to do at home:-

  • First things first…… ‘Do you wanna build a snowman?’ Give him/her a name, put a photo on your learners journey and tell us about your new friend!
  • Use junk to make your snowman a friend indoors.
  • Bake some tasty treats and look at the numbers on the recipe. Can you measure the ingredients correctly?
  • Go for a number hunt around you house and local area. Where can you see numbers and why are they important? Take some photos and put them on your learners journey.
  • Practice writing your numbers in the snow. Can you use your footprints to make dotty patterns?
  • We have been using tally marks at nursery. Sort your lego in to colour groups and then record how many of each colour there is using tally marks.
  • Look for shapes around the house. Can you make some shapes using sticks, straws, playdough or go outside and make big shapes in the snow.
  • Practice writing your name. If an adult writes lots of names on a piece of paper, can you find your own name?
  • Read your favourite story. You could choose 2 books and show your family how we vote for our favourites in story time.
  • Play a game together – take turns, and look out for dotty patterns on the dice.
  • Go on to the RSPB website and find the recipe for making bird cake. This will help the wild birds who might be finding it difficult to find food.
  • Make ice balls – fill up balloons with water, hang them from a tree and leave them in the cold for a while. What do you think will happen? Take off the outer balloon and what are you left with?

Most importantly, stay safe and keep warm. We are looking forward to seeing your smiley faces back in nursery soon!

The Nursery Team


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