P5a have fully embraced the challenge of creating a new shop for Mid Calder main street. As a class we haveĀ been looking at what shops we have in our main street and if it fits the purpose of living in the 21st century. We first drew a map of our village and identified what shops/businesses we had and where they were situated. Once we had completed this we then discussed the needs of our village and what could we benefit from. All of the children had to justify why they had made their choice of what shop they would open in the village and allĀ were very enthusiastic about designing and making their own shop/business. We have also been looking at measure which will help us when we start to make a model of our shop/business. We will be making our shop/business models over the next few weeks and then the children will have to make a pitch as to why their business should be chosen for Mid Calder main street……..look out for our fantastic designs on future blogs.
Have a great weekend.
Miss Anderson & P5a