P4A Visit to Fork and Field

This week we have been fortunate enough to visit the ‘Fork and Field’ restaurant as part of our Field to Fork topic. We were able to learn and ask questions including; how the restaurant was developed, how the restaurant works and the responsibility of all the staff.  We had a practise at holding heavy meals and ordering food. It was fantastic to visit a local restaurant and it was a great way of learning in a real life context. Additionally we had a representative from Scottish Beef to educate us about healthy eating.

LI:We are developing our understanding of restaurants

Success Criteria

I am aware of the various job roles within a restaurant and why they are important.

I understand the different responsibilities of a waiter/waitress.

I can use the skills learned in an imaginary restaurant situation.

We have thoroughly enjoyed meeting people that work in the food industry  this week and look forward to making our own food and creating our own restaurants next week, with all the skills we have learned.

2 thoughts on “P4A Visit to Fork and Field”

  1. What an interesting way to learn more about Field to Fork in a real life contest. What did you meant about restaurants that you did not already know? Thank you to the Fork and Field for allowing us to visit them.

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