Lights, Camera, Action

Today we turned the upper area into a movie theatre, where only the best actors, directors and cameramen were invited. The children have been working hard to create their own blockbuster movies featuring either, Dizzy, Fluffy or Spike. Each group focused on the three C’s and S’s…….colour, character, camera and sound, story and setting and today was the day where they showcased their talents.  Showing in our cinema was, London Crisis, Spike Bond and Fluffy Dimension, to name but a few, however there could only be 3 winners. Each child voted for the movie they felt demonstrated the skills that we had been learning in class, portrayed a good storyline and also made us laugh.  And the winners were…….

Best movie:

P7:      Caitlin, Laura, Ellis and Charlie J

P7/6: Cameron, Chiaro and Ellis

P6:     Noah, Luca, Callum, Charlie, Grace, Logan F and Logan S

Best Actor :

P7:    Trystan

P7/6:  Jacob

P6:  Harry

Best Actress:

P7:     Neve

P7/6:  Natalia

P6: Keira

Special Effects:

P7:   Jamie K, Neve, Michael, Ben

P7/6: Rosie, Lauren, Jacob, Natalia, Kacper

P6:   Reno, Ayla, Holly, Charlie, Louis, Zach

Well done to everyone on completing their film. It was evident, from the movies, that the children has used a lot of what they had learned throughout their topic and that they thoroughly enjoyed making their own movies. I am sure that we have some budding actors and actresses in our midst.131143142141138139140136135134016130132133




13 thoughts on “Lights, Camera, Action”

  1. So proud of all the children for all their hard work! Well done for fantastic movies and a great awards ceremony!! Mrs Murray. 👍

  2. Congratulations to all winners and well done to everyone taking part. It shows Mid Calder really does have talent and it takes team effort to produce such wonderful movies. I love the miniature Oscars being presented. I’m sure the pupils will have fond memories of this experience.

  3. Well done P6 and 7! It has been great following the adventures of Dizzy, Fluffy and Spike! Thank you for inviting me along to watch some of your final films. How will you use the skills and knowledge developed through this IDL in other areas of the curriculum. A big thanks to your teachers for organising the showing of the films! We definitely have some film directors, actors and actresses of the future at Mid Calder Primary!

  4. I loved doing filming. It was really fun and i also enjoyed the filming. My favourite bit was getting a cup😀

  5. Well done everyone all the movies were great congratulations to all the winners i had a lot of fun with my group filming and wathching all the movies me and my group have had so much fun and we have had great laughs and i am sure we will remember a few funny memories and thanks to all the teachers that organised filming and showing the movies. 😀

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