We have had a very busy start to the new term in P1a.
We have been working hard on reading and writing the Common Words.We use paper cups and bricks to build towers and word walls with the words we can read. Sometimes they get really high! We also play a game with words written on lollipop sticks. We take turns to pull out a stick, read the word and put it safely in our pile. However, if we pull out the stick with the red dot, we have to put all the sticks we have back in the pot. When the sand in the timer runs out, the person with most sticks is the winner. We are beginning to look at the next set of words now and these will be sent home soon, along with a new game to play!
This week we focused on the numbers to 20. We practised reading and writing the numbers, counting forwards and backwards, saying the number after, before and between and counting groups of items. We made number sequences and put numbers in order from the smallest to the largest.
We were very excited last term when Tim Peake blasted off to the International Space Station. Our interest and enthusiasm has continued, so we have decided to investigate Space ! First of all we looked at some space related objects and pictures, and shared our ideas with each other. Then we thought about what we would really like to learn more about, and we created some questions about Space. Together, we made a 3D Mind Map to help us plan our Learning over the next few weeks. We are going to record our Learning in a big book which we have all signed, because we will all be the authors and illustrators of it!
wow everyone looks really busy well done!!!
that looks so fun!
You have been extremely busy P1a. How many common words do you know? Can you spell these words? These games look great fun – have you played them at home?
Your new topic looks very exciting and you are in charge of deciding what you want to learn. I can’t wait to hear about your new learning through this topic.
This is so much fun.
Well done P1 for settling in so well!
Also I am extremely proud of my little sister Naomi Schmidt and of course everyone else!
Keep up the good work P1!
Thank you Mrs Smith for teaching them so well and for being kind and caring you are a really special teacher!
Well done!
Wow I can’t do that if I try I will just fail