Primary 5’s Roald Dahl Assembly

On Friday, Primary 5 demonstrated all of the new knowledge and skills they have been developing through their IDL topic of Charlie and the Chocolate factory. They invited parents, carers and the school to attend their class assembly to celebrate the life and works of the author, Roald Dahl. Primary 5 thoroughly enjoyed sharing their learning and can’t wait to find out what their next wonkalicious golden challenge will be. Stay tuned…

19 thoughts on “Primary 5’s Roald Dahl Assembly”

  1. An absolutely fantastic assembly which showcased your singing, dancing and presenting talents. You inspired the school community to read a Roald Dahl novel. Well done P5!

  2. Well done Primary 5 and Miss Sherlow! Thank you for inviting me along to your assembly dress rehearsal, it was fantastic to see you all so confidently share your learning on stage. What is you favourite Roald Dahl book? Mine is Matilda, I always wanted to be Miss Honey when I grew up. 😉

  3. My favourite book is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory because I could imagine myself in the factory at this moment. I’d eat every thing in it! 🙂

  4. My favourite Roald Dahl book is Matilda because i think it is funny and I love when she glues her Dad’s hat to his head with super glue!!

  5. Euan- My favourite book is Matllda because it’s quite funny.
    Amy- My favourite book is The BFG because the language it uses is quite funny.

  6. My favourite Roald Dahl book is Fantastic Mr Fox because it’s really funny and I dressed up as his Wife for our Dahlicious dress up day:)

  7. Danny Champion of the World is my favorite book. By Abbie,

    I like Matilda because I’m named after her. By Matilda. 🙂

  8. Erika:Charlie and the Chocolate Factory because the Gum Meal is the best.

    Bethan: My favourite book is the Twits because they are funny.

  9. Brodie: My fav book is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory because it is funny
    Jamie: My fav book is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to because it is unusual and funny

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