P1a – Learning Update 9th May

Last week we enjoyed taking part in a variety of activities with  Louisa from the Drama Box and Miss McDermott is going to be trying some more of these with us in class – although perhaps not learning how to speak “banana”!

We are enjoying using the new ipads to support our learning  in literacy and numeracy although everyone has not yet had a turn and we are also learning to be patient.

For art this week we read the story The Day the Crayons Quit and then worked with a partner to draw pictures using the wrong coloured crayons.

Our famous artist this week was Henri Matisse. We looked at some of his paintings but also some of his famous “cut out” art work too.

We then used only coloured paper, scissors and glue to make our own amazing and very colorful Matisse style pictures.

Unfortunately over the last week we haven’t been very quick at getting organised in the mornings and this is important as on Tuesdays we have Music first thing with Mrs McWhirter and on Thursdays we have French with Ms Hussain.  Miss McDermott said we were “as slow as treacle” but none of us really knew what treacle was.

On Friday morning for snack we had a little treat – pancakes with treacle! We were able to see how slowly the treacle dripped off the spoon and of course the best part was we got to taste it.  As you will see from the photographs – most of us actually quite liked it, despite what you might have thought!

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