Category Archives: P2

P2A Monday, 22.6.20

Good morning, everyone.

I can’t believe this is our very last Monday in Primary 2!  We have enjoyed reading so many different stories this year, especially Mr Men and LIttle Miss stories.  I wonder if you can spot the 10 differences in these Mr Men and Little Miss pictures.

Here is a gravity experiment by Little Miss Stubborn.  You could try this at home with an adult.

Some more healthy cooking with Mr Strong.  These frittatas look yummy!

This Mr Men character likes to put his nose into other people’s business.  I hope you enjoy this story.

Have a lovely Monday, everyone!

Mrs Herbison


P2B Monday 22.6.20

Good Morning, everyone.

Can you believe this is the last Monday of Primary 2. You have all done so well over the last 12 weeks when you have been  learning at home. Mrs Boyle and I have really missed you all but are very proud of you and appreciate the great effort you and your parents have made.

It is a very strange end to Primary 2. It is particularly strange for me and Mrs Boyle as we are going to be retiring on Friday. That means we will not be back after the Summer holiday so it is a bit sad that we wont get a proper chance to say goodbye to you all. We will definitely  pop in and see you for a visit when you are in Primary 3.

Here is our last set of learning activities for this session. We have included lots of Health and Wellbeing activities and some challenges that you can choose from and try.

Week 12 Learning Grid

Last week we were thinking about looking after our teeth. It reminded me of this story about a crocodile who had a very sore tooth. I like this story because it is also about being kind. I wonder if you can guess who helps the crocodile  to learn a very important lesson about being kind to others?

Have a lovely day,

Mrs Mills


Story Time From Home – Monday 22nd June

Hello everyone,

I hope that you had a good weekend.

I can hardly believe that it is the last week of term and the last week for Story Time at Home.

There is no special theme this week.  I have chosen all the stories just because I like them and I hope you will like them too. Remember, if you missed any of last week’s stories you can still go back and watch them too.

I am sure that lots of you will know this story  – it really is disgusting and I do feel sorry for the poor badger. But like lots of stories it does have a happy ending.

Have a good day and if you’re having a sandwich for lunch, I do hope it’s a nice one!

Miss McDermott

P2A Friday, 19th June

Good morning, everyone.  Today is Friday!




It is the last day of our working week and I hope you are looking forward to the weekend.  I am looking forward to going a cycle with Mr Herbison.  What are you looking forward to?

I am also looking forward to cooking with my family.  If you could cook with a Mr Men or Little Miss character, which one would it be?

I might try to cook these as they look very yummy and healthy.  I think I would like to cook with this Mr Men character.

I’m not sure if I would like to invite this Mr Men character to eat with me as he might eat it all himself!  Can you guess who I am talking about?

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Herbison

Good Morning Primary 2B Friday 19th June 2020 Mrs Boyle

Good Morning Primary 2B,

It is Friday again! Only one more week to go till schools go on holiday and then we will all be back in school again.

We have all been learning about healthy eating this week. Lots of you have made delicious sandwiches which I have loved hearing about.

Here is a link to a lesson about healthy eating with lots of games to help you learn.

Also a story if you time to listen to about a little boy called Oliver who only eats chips! Can his grandad change his mind ?

Have a great weekend

Mrs boyle

P2A Thursday, 18.06.20

Good morning, everyone.

I hope you are all well and are having lots of outdoor fun.

I know many of you recently enjoyed mixing paints to create lots of different colours to create some fabulous Kandinsky artwork.  I thought you would like to watch this short video about Mr Men and Little Miss street art.

Many of you have been creating and inventing lots of fantastic creations at home.  I wonder what you would invent for Mr Bump?  Watch this short video to see some children’s inventions.

Here is Mr Bump .  What do you think he needs?

Have a lovely and bump free day!

Mrs Herbison

Good Morning Primary 2B Thursday 18th June 2020 Mrs Boyle

Good Morning Primary 2B,

I hope you are all well. I hope you enjoyed learning about teeth yesterday.

I have had lots of messages about losing teeth and all the visits you have had from the tooth fairy.

Here is a story about the tooth fairy you might want to listen to.

I hope you are managing to brush your teeth every day. I have sent a link to show you how to brush your teeth properly.

Keep healthy

Mrs Boyle

Story Time From Home – Thursday 18th June

Hello boys and girls

Here is the link for Thursday’s Story Time From Home which once again has a keeping healthy theme.

You might have heard me read this story if you have been in my class but it does have an important message and sometimes it is nice to hear stories more than once.

I hope you are all keeping well and still managing to do some home learning for your grown ups and teachers too!

Miss McDermott

Music Time with Mrs McWhirter

Good morning Primary 2 !

Is the sun shining? 

Let’s see if you can help it shine with a Wee Summer Sing!

I’m sure many of you will remember singing this song with me away back at the start of Primary 2! This time the actions are a bit different and a bit trickier, using your throwing, bouncing and catching skills! Just keep trying it until you can do it! You can have a go every time the sun comes out!

Click here

Good Morning Primary 2B Wednesday 17th June 2020 Mrs Boyle


Good Morning Primary 2B,

I hope you had a lovely Marches day and enjoyed your day. It is lovely to have you back again Mrs Boyle and Mrs Mills missed you.

This week we are learning about keeping ourselves healthy and lots of you since you have been off school have told me that you have had a wobbly tooth  or lost a tooth. I thought we could learn about our teeth.

We could also find out some interesting facts about sharks teeth.

I have also included some pictures of the interesting things you have been doing at home . Look out for the caterpillars. Mrs Mills and Mrs Boyle love to see your pictures.


Have a fun day!

Mrs Boyle


P2A Wednesday, 17.06.20

Good morning, everyone.

I hope you all had a wonderful Marches Day and had some fun with you families.  I went for a lovely, morning walk along the river and met lots of different dogs out walking.  It was slightly damp when I was out walking and when I got home my family thought I looked very funny and couldn’t stop laughing at me!  I didn’t know why they were laughing until I looked in the mirror – the dampness in the air made my hair go very curly and frizzy and my hair was double the size it was when I left the house!  I will need to remember to wear my hat when I go out in damp weather

I would like to say    Hello   to our friend in Switzerland!  We are all missing each other in our class and we are especially missing you in Switzerland.  We know you are having lots of lovely learning experiences with your family and we look forward to seeing you.

Here is a Mr Men story read by Adam Hargreaves.  Can you remember who Adam Hargreaves is?

Four years ago, in 2016, Mr Men and Little Miss had a pop-up exhibition in London to celebrate the brand’s 45th birthday.  I thought you would like to see this.

Next year, in 2021, it will be their 50th birthday.  I wonder what they will do celebrate that?

Have a lovely day.

Mrs Herbison


P2A Monday, 15th June

Good morning, everyone.

We are having a Health focus this week and next week.  I hope you are going to have lots of fun outdoors participating in lots of activities.  What is your favourite outdoor activity?  I am going to go for lots of  walks along the river and I am also going to go for lots of cycles.

Here are links to this week’s Learning Grid and Time Activities: Learning Grid week 11

TIme Activities

This week’s digraph is     ng     and here is a short video to help you.

Here is another Mr Men story with this week’s digraph,  ng.

Tomorrow is Marches Day, a school holiday!  I hope you have a lovely day with your families.

Mrs Herbison


P2/1, P2A and P2B FOOD CHAINS 15.6.20

Good Morning, everyone!

This week we are learning about food chains. Here are some resources to help you.

This website will give you some information about food chains.

Here is a game to play to help your learning.

This Powerpoint is all about Farming in Scotland.

Farming in Scotland

Have a think about where your food comes from.  Look in your fridge or cupboard. Make a list or discuss where your food comes from.

Can you learn how to make a sandwich?

Think about the ingredients you are using and where they come from. Remember the importance of washing your hands well and of course  helping with the washing up.

Have fun learning about food chains.

P2/1, P2A and P2B Teachers