Category Archives: Health and Wellbeing

What emotion?

I know how good Primary one are at playing the drama emotion game and pass the smile, so why don’t you show your family how to play.

Use those wonderful facial expressions to show different emotions. Will you be happy, angry, sad or excited? Can you use your body to show the emotion too? When would you feel these emotions? What would happen to  make you feel this way?

There are some great emotion songs you could sing along with too.


To practise some calm and relaxation you could also try some Cosmic kids yoga to The hungry Caterpillar.

Remember to keep sending in your photos of some of the learning you have been doing at home.  We love seeing all of the activities you have been getting up to!


Have a lovely day!

Primary one Teachers


Good Morning Primary one

I hope you had a good day yesterday and enjoyed doing World Earth day activities.

We hope that you have been staying active during your time at home and making the most of the lovely sunshine we have been having.

Why not try practising your throwing and catching today. Try passing an object back and forth with a grown up or a sibling. If you start to find it easy, move further apart to make it trickier.

Or why not try the bucket toss. Roll up some socks and throw them into a bucket. How many can you get in in a row?  You could also make it harder by throwing them into a smaller hole. I used an old cardboard box to make a bunny toss. Remember don’t give up if you find it hard, keep going!


What other throwing and catching games can you think of?

Have fun!

Primary one Teachers


P1c Easter Learning Update

Despite the poor weather in the last week of term, we were still able to get outside and take part in some Easter egg and spoon races.

Back in the classroom we have enjoyed combining some spring crafts along with our farm topic.

You may know that we have been particularly interested in goats after reading a story on the BBC news website.  You can read the story too by clicking on the link.

We tasted some Welsh goat’s cheese on crackers for snack.  Most of us quite enjoyed it!


P1c Pumpkin Soup Making – 24 October

It might not quite be Hallowe’en yet but P1c are getting in the mood. This morning we enjoyed  reading the story Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper, then we got busy carving pumpkins and making our own pumpkin soup.

Today we not only practised cutting the vegetables but also grating them too. After playtime we enjoyed having the soup with some bread for snack.   A big thank you to Mrs Smith and Mrs Kemsley (our student teacher from Edinburgh University) for their help this morning.

P1c One Planet Picnic – 27 Sept

Today we enjoyed preparing our Scottish Cheddar cheese and Linlithgow apples grown in Iona’s garden for the One Planet Picnic. As you can see in the photographs we all took turns at cutting and putting the cheese and apples on the cocktail sticks.  Thank goodness we have been practising our fine motor skills over the last few weeks – we were all fantastic and no one got jabbed or stabbed! The best part however, was getting to eat  the snack at the picnic where we also had some Scottish oatcakes and some carrots which had been harvested from the school garden with a little help from Mrs Spori!

Unfortunately due to the weather the picnic was in the hall.

Here are some photographs of different activities that we have been doing over the last few weeks to help develop our fine motor skills.




Health & Wellbeing Week in P1a

This week we have taken part in lots of different activities to help us learn about improving our health and wellbeing.

On Monday morning we practised our movement skills playing games at Enjoy-a Ball with Paul.

In the afternoon, we had great fun learning dance moves with some girls from P7 – we were even able to show off some of our own dance moves as we love dancing in P1a!

On Tuesday we had a more relaxing day with Amy from Relax Kids. We learned how to control our breathing and keep calm if we were feeling worried or upset.   We also got to lie down and relax while Amy told us a lovely relaxing story.

Wednesday was a lovely sunny day and our first, very exciting sports day at Linlithgow Primary School.  Miss McDermott was too busy picking up javelins to take very many photographs!

All week we have been recording the number of healthy snacks we have been eating. On Thursday we talked about what we thought were healthy foods.  We worked in groups to sort foods in to groups of eat more and eat less.

Lots of us also brought our bikes and scooters to school and enjoyed taking part in the obstacle course.

Before assembly on Friday we discussed getting help in an emergency and when it is appropriate to call to 999.  We enjoyed taking part in some role play however lots us don’t know our home addresses which is perhaps some homework for the holidays!!

Health and Wellbeing Event

Our whole school Health and Wellbeing Showcase was on Thursday, February 22nd.   The event ran from 1.30pm to 3pm, and also 6-7pm.
The purpose of the event was to show all parents an area of our curriculum from our Improvement Plan.  We wanted all parents to see how this area of the curriculum is embedded across the school and to get a feel for what it looks like at each stage.   It was also an opportunity for our P7s and reps from each class to talk to parents about learning in this area.
We would very much appreciate feedback from parents about this event; whether you attended or not.  If you did attend, you can give us feedback about the value of the event and what could be amended for future planning. Many thanks to those who took the time to write a comment for our Feedback Tree.
If you were unable to attend, we would be really interested in the reasons for this so that we can plan effectively in the future.
All feedback is valuable to us.
Please take a few moments to complete and give us your feedback. Copy and paste link below into your browser to complete.

P1a Health and Wellbeing Showcase

Here are the powerpoint presentation and photographs of our stand at the recent Health and Wellbeing Showcase held in school.  It was deliberately quite simple so that the children were able to talk about what they had been learning without any adult help.  Thank you to everyone who came along, especially in the afternoon when the children were at the stand talking about their learning.

HWB PPT showcase


World Book ‘Snowy’ Day Challenges

Tomorrow is World Book Day. In school we had planned to have  lots of activities related to the enjoyment and importance of reading. Due to the weather, however, we would love it if you all were able to complete a reading challenge in the snow.

Here are a few suggestions.


  • Read a book while out in the snow?
  • Create a character from a book in the snow?
  • Build an outdoor book stand?
  • Read aloud outside in the snow?
  • Write some WOW words in the snow
  • Design a picture/scene from your favourite book in the snow.

Anything you do please take a quick picture if possible – Tweet your pictures, share on GLOW or bring into school to show us when we return.

Happy snowy reading

Mr Taylor

Internet Safety Day and Mango Tasting in P1a!

This week we have been talking about what we think the internet is! (Please note – all of the children took part in the discussion but they did not all want to be filmed!)

We played some games with our buddies about staying safe when using the internet.  The games included talking about things like not sharing passwords or logins and what to do if something pop ups on the screen and you don’t know what it is or don’t like it.   We have learned that we should always tell a grown up.  Here are some photos of us playing the internet safety game with our buddies.

The buddies also helped us to play another game which was  all about emotions –  which as you will probably know is something else we are learning about this term.  Hopefully we will now be able to play this game in the classroom with each other.

We are enjoying learning all about China and rehearsals are well underway for our assembly next week.  Miss McDermott read a famous Chinese story all about the Monkey King.

In the story, the monkeys eat mangoes and collect them from the trees.  Lots of us hadn’t seen or tried mango so today for a little treat we had mango for snack.  Some of us helped Mrs Smith to cut up the mango ( and remembered our good handwashing skills first).  We did a quick hands up survey and most of us seemed to enjoy it – just like the monkeys in the story!!!




This week’s learning in P1a – 26 January

It has been another very busy week in P1a!

This week as part of our  health and wellbeing curriculum we learned all about germs and the importance of washing our hands properly.  Here is the video we watched and discussed in class – it’s got quite a catchy little song at the end too!

We practised washing our hands and singing the song  and now that we are “germbusters” hopefully we will all stay healthy.

Well done to the boys and girls who sang the handwashing song as they washed their hands!

This week’s team challenge had a winter theme,  At nursery,  we had learned how water changed into ice when the temperature was really cold.  Our challenge was to free a little dolphin from a block of ice without damaging it.  We were not allowed to smash or chip the ice but we had lots of other good ideas as you will see from the photos.  It was not quite as easy as we first thought!

And here is the winning team!

This term in PE we are practising throwing and catching.  Our PE day is now Wednesday, however over the next 2 weeks we may need to use some of our hall time to practise for our assembly.  Miss McDermott was very impressed with our throwing and catching skills already! If the weather is not too cold or wet we can hopefully practise this outside too.

We have been learning all about Scotland this week and have enjoyed lots of Scots stories, poems and songs.  We made  Saltire flags for our special Scottish celebration on Thursday.



This week in P1a!

This week in P1a we have been learning about staying safe near electricity.  We made posters to show things that you plug in to the mains and things that use batteries and then we talked about staying safe.  We looked at a special safety website and tried to spot all the things that might be dangerous in the different rooms of the house – here is the link so that you can have a look too.

As well as learning about money in maths we are still practising addition.  We are getting so good that we are now doing mental maths and playing bingo using the whiteboards.  The prize is a dojo point and getting to do the funky chicken!

Wednesday is our day for visiting the school library so we were very excited to finally go and do this.  We need to try hard and remember to bring the books back next Wednesday so that we can choose a different one.

You might have read on last week’s blog that we are learning all about emotions and feeling this term.  Our first team challenge of 2018 was to make posters with faces showing different emotions and here are the results…

Happy New Year from P1a!

Miss McDermott and Mrs Smith were delighted to see P1a back safely after the holidays and as ever we have had a busy week!

This term in maths as well as continuing our number work we are also learning about recognising and using money.  We have been talking about how grown ups often use debit cards as opposed to cash so we made our own debit cards for using with our Chip and Pin machine (which was kindly donated by Present Time in Bathgate!) We have been sorting coins and playing lots of games as well trying to make different amounts of money.  This is quite tricky and something we will need to keep practising!

In health and wellbeing our focus for this term is emotions.  We enjoyed listening to a story about Betty and the Yeti and discussing how the Yeti felt and why.  All the classes  in school are learning about the emotions “cogs” and in P1 we are learning about three cogs  in particular.  These are

  • emotion words
  • triggers
  • body sensations

You can see the cogs on our posters which will be in our profiles when we bring them home at the end of January.