Category Archives: Whole School Events

Nepal update

Well it’s been a very busy few days at Chandeswari School. I have been working together with the teachers to build a peer programme with nearby Kavre Deaf School. I have also been working with the pupils on different types of activities around hearing impaired individuals.  My style of teaching is quite different from the Nepali way.


The pupils have been helping we with some of the challenges set by Letham pupils and I have lots of video evidence to show when I get back!


Today we took some of the students to Kavre Deaf School to begin their collaboration. We began the first session by playing some games together.


My lunchtimes have been quite right eventful. During a walk in the local town I stumbled across a wedding which I was subsequently invited to and ended up dancing with some of the ladies. The next the wedding was still continuing but this time with a band playing and the men dancing. Fascinating!


The pupils have been very thankful for the books and money we donated. I have some more surprises for them tomorrow.


Partnership visit to Nepal

Miss Rojboonthueng has been lucky enough to obtain further funding from the British Council to visit Chandeswari Secondary, our partner school in Nepal.  Following on from our previously successful visit and project on inclusion last year, we will be collaborating on a project centering around building peer support programmes between our schools and nearby schools for children with additional support needs.  Some Letham pupils have already begun a project working with some pupils from Beatlie nursery.  Our Chandeswari pupils will work to build relations with a nearby school for hearing impaired children.  Through the visit, we are planning to focus on developing the British Council core skills of citizenship, creativity and imagination and communication and collaboration.

Miss Rojboonthueng sets off next Thursday and pupils from Letham have also been setting her lots of challenges related to their interdisciplinary learning.  Primary 4 want Miss Rojboonthueng to find out about animals in Nepal to compare with their current topic on Scottish Wild animals, Primary 5 are learning about Natural Disasters and have asked her to find out how the children prepare for earthquakes and Primary 7, well that’s a surprise ….

Luckily Miss Rojboonthueng has been able to get an extra luggage allowance as she will be taking lots of books, kindly donated by the Letham pupils for Chandeswari school library.  It is a very exciting visit and Miss Rojboonthueng will be keeping us updated whilst in Nepal.





A busy week in Primary 4

Primary 4 have had a really busy week.  We have managed to raise and amazing £96.40 from the Harvest Assembly.  We decided to donate the money to the charity Water Aid who aim to help all of the people in the World get clean water.  We also  got lots of donations of food which we donated to the West Lothian food bank.  Thank you to everyone for being so kind.


We have also been lucky enough to win lots of free books for our classroom thanks to our teacher Mrs Burns completing a survey relating to the First Minister’s reading challenge.  Well done Mrs Burns, we are lucky to have such a great teacher!


by Isla and Amelia (P4 Leadership Blog members)



Play Maker Award

Mrs Gray and a group of  enterprising Primary 7’s  (Emma, Jessica, Jemma, Alex, Cameron, Aaron and Corey)  are working together to achieve the Play Maker Award.  Along with support from last years successful Play Makers, Shola and Cayden (P6), the group provides a great introduction to leadership; giving learners knowledge of how to organise small games and activities that can be used during curricular and extra-curricular times, lunchtimes, breaks, as well as in sports clubs outside school hours.  The Play Maker Award aims to help learners develop leadership skills such as organisation, communication and teamwork, as well as helping to build confidence and self-esteem as they take on the responsibility of assisting in leading their peers and younger children.  Mrs Gray is looking forward to working with the team and getting them involved in her very successful football after school clubs.

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Professional Partnership Visit to Nepal

Not long now until Miss Rojboonthueng and Mrs Whiteside’s visit to Nepal to our partner school Chandeswari Secondary School.  We have received funding as part of Connecting Classrooms, a unique global education programme run by the British Council in partnership with the Department for International Development (DFID). It equips teachers with the knowledge and techniques to teach young people the skills they need to live and work in an increasingly globalised economy.

The programme enables teachers not only to teach these ‘21st century core skills’ to children in their classroom, but also to visit partner schools in other countries to exchange insights and ideas on how to improve teaching and learning in their schools.

Letham Primary is taking part in the programme because of its commitment to preparing students to become well-rounded, truly global citizens.  We have already had some success and experience implementing the core skills in our curriculum through leadership groups and our visit will give us the opportunity to share our ideas with our colleagues in Nepal.

Pupils will be working with their counterparts in Nepal on an exciting project to explore the Sustainable Development Goal which aims to ‘ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong opportunities for all.  We will be focusing on the use of  digital literacy, communication and collaboration.  Our visit to Nepal will allow us to work on the programme together and give all of our pupils the opportunity to feel empowered and work on skills to support them in the future.

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