Category Archives: Primary 7

Play Maker Award

Mrs Gray and a group of  enterprising Primary 7’s  (Emma, Jessica, Jemma, Alex, Cameron, Aaron and Corey)  are working together to achieve the Play Maker Award.  Along with support from last years successful Play Makers, Shola and Cayden (P6), the group provides a great introduction to leadership; giving learners knowledge of how to organise small games and activities that can be used during curricular and extra-curricular times, lunchtimes, breaks, as well as in sports clubs outside school hours.  The Play Maker Award aims to help learners develop leadership skills such as organisation, communication and teamwork, as well as helping to build confidence and self-esteem as they take on the responsibility of assisting in leading their peers and younger children.  Mrs Gray is looking forward to working with the team and getting them involved in her very successful football after school clubs.

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Update from Primary 7

The Letham news

The top story today (Friday, 17th March) is that the Primary sevens at Letham Primary are going on a trip to Inveralmond High School and getting shown around and doing workshops in Home Economics and Science and more. The Primary Sevens are so excited to go today and it will be fun! The maths teacher called Miss Mill came to our school and took us in groups and she taught us how to guess numbers using 5 sheets of paper and the trick is to add the first numbers up. She will be coming again soon to take another group out to do another murder mystery and do some more tricks.  Thank you for reading, you are now up to date with what has happened in Primary 7 this week.  Gregor Dainter (P7)


Highlights of P7

It’s coming to the end of my time here at Letham Primary School. Some of my favourite highlights are the school trips like Risk Factory, Sky Academy , Scottish Parliament and many more.

I’m really looking forward to our Rio carnival P7 prom which is next Friday.

I’m very excited about going into high school.

By Gabrielle

P7 Fair

After a lot of hard work, the P7s held a fair this morning, to raise some money for their prom at the end of the year. It was a huge success and they raised a lot of money! We’ll update you with the final amount, once it has all been counted! Well done Primary 7!

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Willow Pattern

Recently P7 has been learning about the willow tree pattern for their China topic. The willow tree pattern is about a girl called Koong-Shee that falls in love with a man called Chang. Her father locks her in a maze as her and Chang were passing notes to each other in coconuts talking about getting married. At the wedding night they agree to run away together to become farmers. In the end of the story they die in each others arms and are transformed into love birds .

By Gabrielle


P7 Transition

Recently some of the P7 pupils have been attending transitions for heading up to Inveralmond high school . Many other schools will be there . We went on 15.04.16 and we are going today. We are cooking pizza today. The main reasons we go to the transitions is to interact with people and to be shown round the school.

By Duncan


P7 Trip to Sky Sports

Not too long ago primary seven went on a school trip to Sky Sports. We did a variety of different sport activities and we also got to meet some athletes that took part in the Olympics. They gave us some inspiration to help us in the future. We did rugby, gymnastics and some fun activities!

By Gabrielle


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