Category Archives: Leadership Groups

A busy week in Primary 4

Primary 4 have had a really busy week.  We have managed to raise and amazing £96.40 from the Harvest Assembly.  We decided to donate the money to the charity Water Aid who aim to help all of the people in the World get clean water.  We also  got lots of donations of food which we donated to the West Lothian food bank.  Thank you to everyone for being so kind.


We have also been lucky enough to win lots of free books for our classroom thanks to our teacher Mrs Burns completing a survey relating to the First Minister’s reading challenge.  Well done Mrs Burns, we are lucky to have such a great teacher!


by Isla and Amelia (P4 Leadership Blog members)



Leadership Groups Week 3

This week the International / blog group have been hearing all about the trip to Nepal and how a lot of children in Nepal do not go to school.  They have been investigating the reasons why children around the world do not go to school and are busy producing posters and blog reports.  Everyone was surprised to find out that some children have to get married when they are still children and this stops them from going to school.

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Leadership Groups – Week 2

The second week of our Leadership Groups has been exciting.  The International / Blog group have been preparing some information about Letham Primary to take and show our partner school in Nepal.  This week part of the group took photos around the school of the various leadership groups in action.  We think there are going to be big

differences between our school and our Nepalese school.

The Pupil Council in action
Junior Road Safety Officers
The Enterprise Group
Achievement in Sport Group


Leadership Groups Day 1

This is the first day of our whole school leadership groups.  We have a wide range of groups including; outdoor learning, house captains, pupil council, enterprise and the international/blog group.  In our group we have 20 pupils from P1-P7.  For our first group we have been thinking about the blog and writing some letters to penpals in Nepal.  Mrs Whiteside and Miss Rojboonthueng are going to visit our partner school in a few weeks through the British Council so they will take the letters with them.

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