Ladywell Nursery School


December 1, 2023
by Ms Pilmer

November Celebration

Today was our November celebration.  We celebrated Ares’ birthday as he was 4 in November and Mila, Travis, Summer, Skyler and Victor all received their star awards.  Well done!

We also celebrated St Andrew’s Day by making flags, dressing up in tartan and dancing to Scottish music

We have continued to build on our knowledge of transport and the children thoroughly enjoyed making tracks and patterns with vehicles and tyres of various sizes.  Using lots of mathematical language and learning to copy and create patterns.

November 17, 2023
by Ms Pilmer

Children in Need 2023

We have had lots of fun celebrating Pudsey Day and raising some money for children in need.  There was a fantastic turnout of pyjamas, spots and other Pudsey gear.   The children enjoyed collecting coins, counting and sorting them, we had lots of fabulous artwork taking place from making masks, to colouring in, joining the dots and drawing our own Pudsey and Blush bears.  We also had a Pudsey treasure hunt, danced to the children in need songs and listened to some stories.

Thank you for your participation and donations.  We raised £28.  Well done!


November 14, 2023
by Ms Pilmer

Happy Diwali

We watched a short story about the Hindu festival, Diwal.  We made tea light holders and used lots of bright colours in our artwork in celebration of this festival of light.

November 2, 2023
by Ms Pilmer

October Birthdays and Star Awards

Happy Birthday to everyone who had their birthday in October.

Kaid did a great job helping to make this month’s birthday cake.

Well done to all the children who received their star award.  Keep up the good work.


October 20, 2023
by Ms Pilmer

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to Nursery we hope you all had a lovely October break

We have definitely noticed a difference in our Nursery garden since returning from our holidays.  There are lots of leaves on the ground now and the children have been helping to sweep them up while becoming involved in lots of conversations about Autumn, the weather, and the colours and shapes of the different leaves we have found.  We have been taking part in some matching, sorting and counting activities and some children have used the leaves and other things to show their creativity in the art area


As a focus this term we are looking at keeping ourselves safe at home, in nursery and out and about in the world around us.

The children have enjoyed using the tool bench this week and have been sharing their thoughts and ideas about keeping safe.  A risk assessment was carried out and it was decided by the children that safety goggles should be worn at all times when working at the workbench, tools should not be lifted about your head and all tools should not be removed from the workbench.

We have been working hard this week on the literacy skill rhyming and the numeracy skill subitising.  The children have enjoyed a variety of activities both at group time and throughout the day to develop their awareness of rhyme and be able to identify a number of objects without counting.  It would be great if you could support us at home with this.


October 6, 2023
by Ms Pilmer

Happy Holidays

This week in Nursery we have continued to learn about the changing seasons and the weather.  Children have been making windmills, spinners and kites in the art area.  There has been lots of good perseverance to complete tasks and some good fine motor control being observed.

Well done Travis.

In the garden, we are encouraging the children to mark-make using a variety of resources.  Some children found some brambles in the garden and turned it into ink showing excellent creativity.



We have also been experimenting with mixing colours to make new colours.  Skyler very proudly shared how to make purple.

Great job!

September 29, 2023
by Ms Pilmer

Autumn is here

This week in the Nursery the children have been learning about the days of the week, the months of the year, the seasons and the fabulous Scottish weather.

The children have been interested in campfires and camping so we have been discussing fire safety.  Lots of children have been using their great imaginations during role-play with their friends.  Listening well to each other, sharing their thoughts and ideas and learning new vocabulary.

If you are out with your children over the weekend it would be brilliant if you could collect any fallen leaves, sticks, conquers, beech nuts etc. for us to use in the Nursery for matching and sorting activities, artwork, counting and many other activities.

We have a very busy lunchtime in the Nursery and have begun recruiting the children to help with duties such as wiping and setting the table.  This has been very successful and lunchtime monitors are enjoying the responsibility.


September 29, 2023
by Ms Pilmer


As September draws to a close we have celebrated in the Nursery all the children and staff that have had a birthday this month.  The children helped to make a delicious birthday cake for everyone to share.


At the end of each month along with our birthday celebrations, we are celebrating the successes of our children.  We are very proud of all our children and everything they achieve on a daily basis.

Our Head of Centre Rhona has presented star awards this month to Amaan, Mason, Malea, Frankie, Kaid, Abel and Bella-Rae.  Photographs are displayed in the Nursery

Please continue to share your child’s home achievements on our Wow wall.

Have a lovely weekend

September 8, 2023
by Ms Pilmer


We would like to welcome all our new children and families who have joined us since the start of the new term and welcome back our returning children and families.

The children have all settled into Nursery life very well.

The children have been thoroughly enjoying the warm weather this week and have spent a lot of time in the garden.  Children have been working together to construct their own assault courses, taking turns and using their bodies in a variety of ways.  There have been lots of conversations with children showing an understanding of positional and mathematical language.




We also found lots of spider webs in the garden that were visible due to the morning dew.  This prompted the children to demonstrate their drawing skills using chalk to draw their own spider’s webs.  It also sparked conversation around the weather and the changing of the seasons.  Allowing everyone to share their knowledge of the world around us.



Some children have been very busy at the woodwork bench.   They have discussed how important safety is when using real tools and created their own risk assessment to help keep everyone safe.


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