October 20, 2023
by Ms Pilmer
Welcome back to Nursery we hope you all had a lovely October break
We have definitely noticed a difference in our Nursery garden since returning from our holidays. There are lots of leaves on the ground now and the children have been helping to sweep them up while becoming involved in lots of conversations about Autumn, the weather, and the colours and shapes of the different leaves we have found. We have been taking part in some matching, sorting and counting activities and some children have used the leaves and other things to show their creativity in the art area
As a focus this term we are looking at keeping ourselves safe at home, in nursery and out and about in the world around us.
The children have enjoyed using the tool bench this week and have been sharing their thoughts and ideas about keeping safe. A risk assessment was carried out and it was decided by the children that safety goggles should be worn at all times when working at the workbench, tools should not be lifted about your head and all tools should not be removed from the workbench.
We have been working hard this week on the literacy skill rhyming and the numeracy skill subitising. The children have enjoyed a variety of activities both at group time and throughout the day to develop their awareness of rhyme and be able to identify a number of objects without counting. It would be great if you could support us at home with this.