Ladywell Nursery School


April 26, 2024
by Ms Pilmer

Spring is in the air

The children have been making full use of the Nursery garden this week.  The sunshine is long overdue.  We have begun looking for signs of Spring and discussing what happens in the world around us.

The children have been planting seeds and potatoes in the garden, and some children have sent photos of signs of Spring they have seen while out and about with their families which we will add to our floorbook.  We have also been making our own perfume from petals and leaves. 

We have also began hunting for mini beasts and will be taking this forward next week where we will be increasing our vocabularies leanrning the names of minibeasts and the names of body parts.  We will practice our counting, subitising, sorting and matching through the mini beast topic.


March 8, 2024
by Ms Pilmer

People who help us

The children have continued to be interested in the people who help us in the world.  We have a new small-world police station which has been very popular.  The children have been using their imaginations to invent situations.  We are also working hard on sharing and turn-taking.

Some children thoroughly enjoyed preparing and chopping vegetables to make soup for snack.  The soup was very popular and very tasty.

We would like to wish you all a Happy Mothering Sunday.  We hope you have a lovely day!

March 1, 2024
by Ms Pilmer

Mathematical Language and Measure

We have been learning about mathematical language and measurement.  The children have taken part in a wide variety of measuring activities and have been learning the language of measure. 

We also had our February birthday celebration.  We enjoyed cake and sang happy birthday to all our friends with birthdays in February.

The children who received star awards this month were

Millie Mae, Elina, Harris, Inaaya, Dylan and Aria.  Well done!

February 9, 2024
by Ms Pilmer

The Weather and Chinese New Year

In Nursery this week we have continued to discuss and learn about different types of weather.  We have been using a variety of words each day to describe and record the weather.  We have noticed that in Ladywell we get lots of wind and rain.

We have also enjoyed learning about the Chinese New Year.  We have been working hard on our fine motor skills using chopstix, trying to copy  Chinese writing and using scissors to make Chinese lanterns.


We also worked together to make our own Chinese dragon to allow us to perform our own dragon dance.

January 26, 2024
by Ms Pilmer

Burns Day Celebrations

The children have been busy celebrating Burns Day and all things Scottish.  We have been looking at different tartans and creating our own in the arts and crafts area.   The children worked hard to follow the directed activity of weaving.  Follow instructions very well.                 

We had fun listening to the bagpipes and watching some highland dancing.   Some children enjoyed expressing themselves to the music and shared their own experiences of seeing pipe bands playing.


Some of the children took a walk to Aldi to buy some haggis.   We had a Scottish snack on Thursday consisting of oatcakes and haggis.  Delicious!!



January 12, 2024
by Ms Pilmer

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to everyone.  It is lovely to welcome everyone back to Nursery in 2024.  We hope everyone had a lovely holiday.

The children have settled back into Nursery extremely well and we have welcomed some new families this week.

As we are well into winter the children have been discussing the temperature and the winter conditions.  We found ice in our garden and have been learning about the properties of water and what happens in the world at this time of year.    We have also been discussing what animals live in the cold lands.



There has been a lot of interest in the woodwork bench this week and some children have spent a long time working hard to create their very own aeroplanes and boats.  Transport seems to be an interest just now so we will take this opportunity to learn about different types of transport in the world around us.

December 22, 2023
by Ms Pilmer

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

We would like to wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  We have had a fantastic week in the Nursery full of festive fun and we are extremely proud of all of our children performing fantastically in their Nativity play and having the best time at their Christmas party.

We also had our end-of-the-month birthday celebration and star award presentation.


December 15, 2023
by Ms Pilmer

Christmas 2023

Christmas fun is well underway in the Nursery.   The children have been enjoying taking part in lots of different Christmas activities and have been working hard to learn the songs for the Nativity play.   We are looking forward to the performance on Tuesday.


December 8, 2023
by Ms Pilmer

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Our tree is up!  The children had lots of fun decorating the tree and the Nursery.   The children used their pattern-making skills to make some table covers for our Christmas lunch on Thursday.



We have been working hard on learning how to copy and continue a pattern

We are working really hard learning the songs for our nativity.  We are looking forward to our big people coming to watch.


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