Category Archives: Home reading challenge

Home Reading Challenge 4

This is our new home reading challenge.  Two of our reading ambassadors are below to introduce it.

Read a book or poem about family or friends.  Upload a photo, video or review to Seesaw, Teams or your learning journal for your teacher to see.  Some will be shared on the reading blog later.

January home reading challenge

Thank you to all the people who took part in our January home reading challenge to read a book in Scots or about Scotland.  There were some braw books selected.

Read by torchlight

It has been wonderful to see how many people have been reading by torchlight during November.   Below are just a few examples.  A new reading challenge will be set very soon but there is still plenty of time to share photos or videos of you reading by torchlight with your teacher.

Reading challenge 1

Today we are launching our very first reading challenge.  It is called Reading by Torchlight.  We would like you to get a book and a torch and find somewhere to read.  You might curl up on the couch, turn off the lights and read by torchlight there.  You could build a den and read in there.  You could even wrap up warm and find somewhere to sit outside and read using your torch.  Whatever you choose take a photograph or even make a short video to share what you are reading and post it on Seesaw or Teams so your teacher can see.  Some of the entries will be shared on the reading blog.