The Kirkhill Chatter

Kirkhill Nursery and Primary School, Rashierig, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 6AW

May 12, 2017
by Mrs Weir

P7 Update

This week we have been rounding off our learning about measurement. We had to create posters which showcased our learning about area, perimeter, units of measurement and tools for measuring. Mrs Weir is very impressed with our work on this!

We all were very sweaty after P.E. this week where we focused on fitness circuits indoors and trying to improve our fitness. In our outdoor slot we were focusing on athletics and in particular running and throwing the javelin which we found quite challenging because of the wind direction. We are looking forward to trying this again next week.

On Thursday we learned about the Scottish artist Charles Rennie Mackintosh and looked at some of his designs. We had to think about the different shapes and styles which he uses and then had to make our own paintings based on this.

This week we also started our transition novel ‘The Boy in the Dress’ by David Walliams. We are enjoying it so far and have had lots of discussions in class about stereotypes and have been discussing the different themes of the novel so far. We have looked at Bloom’s pyramid and questioning during comprehension activities related to the novel. As part of transition we have also been writing personal statements about ourselves as part of our work on Didbook. We found it really tricky to write about ourselves. We can access and update Didbook at home as we all have our own usernames and passwords.

We have also had rehearsals of our song for the Celebrating Success assembly on Tuesday 16th and are looking forward to finding out the certificate winners. The children are invited to wear summer clothes for this performance.

This week Mrs Weir has had to have some discussions with the class about behaviour and in particular about playground behaviour. It has been re-iterated that fun treats such as Blair Drummond will not happen if we don’t follow the Rights and Right actions of the school. Some of us are looking forward to a fresh start next week.

Have a lovely weekend 🙂

May 8, 2017
by User deactivated

Sainsbury’s Vouchers

Thank you to everyone who has handed in Sainsbury’s Active Kids vouchers.  The vouchers are now no longer being given out in store. Could we ask if you have any that you send them in for the box by Friday 9th June so that we can get them counted and an order sent away?   Many thanks.

May 6, 2017
by Mrs McCann
1 Comment

Primary 1 news

This week in primary 1 we have been practising our letter formation. Mrs McCann has been very impressed with our letters. We have been practising counting in 2s up to 20 and looking at patterns in numbers. We noticed that when we count in 2s all the numbers are even! We ordered numbers and used numicon to make doubles.


We have also started to practise for our assembly next week. We don’t want to give too much away but it would be great if everyone could practise their words at home.

Please could everyone make sure they have indoor and outdoor PE kit in school.

Don’t forget that this Monday is shared start, come and join us if you can.

May 5, 2017
by User deactivated
1 Comment

Our ‘Bitty’ Week

Although this week has been a short one, we have managed to pack a lot of learning in!

In Numeracy, Mrs. Shankland introduced us to a resource called Numicon that helps us to see numbers in a new way. We were able to explore how numbers bond together and made the stories of 10 and 20. Concrete materials are a great help when we are working with numbers and we are excited to use  the Numicon tiles again.

In Writing with Miss Henderson, we have been focusing on using the senses to make our writing come to life. After Miss Henderson marked our jotters she identified the next steps in our learning are to use more varied openers and connectives. We will try hard over the coming weeks to improve our openers and connectives!

In Grammar and Punctuation with Mrs. Robertson, we have been looking at how to punctuate speech accurately. We used comic strips to identify direct speech and were able to use inverted commas (66 and 99) to punctuate dialogue. This is a punctuation skill that is new to some of us and we need to keep practising! After our lesson some of us were discussing the use of speech marks in our reading books. This shows that we are beginning to link our learning across Literacy areas.

Our P3 pupils went to Dechmont Infant School on Friday to take part in a potted sports event. The children thoroughly enjoyed their day and all came back sporting (no pun intended) a gold medal!

Our P4 pupils took this opportunity to group together with Miss Clark’s P4s and we took part in some heats for our upcoming Gala Sports day. 3 boys and 3 girls from P4 have to be selected to take part. We will keep you informed when we have made a final decision on who is taking part.

Some sack race fun in the sun!

P4s doing outdoor PE today.

May 5, 2017
by User deactivated
1 Comment

P3 Update

It’s been a short but busy week this week with lots of exciting activities and visitors in the P3 class.

On Tuesday the class were delighted to show Miss Brown how well their reading skills have developed since her placement last year.

Mrs Shankland is also coming into the class to help work on their maths skills. This week she was showing them a new resource – Numicon which makes maths more visible and hopefully easier to learn and master!

Also this week, the class had Miss Henderson take them for a writing class. The P4/3s were also in class for this lesson.

As part of the Dechmont Primary School transition for their P3s to Kirkhill, they came into our class for the day on Wednesday to become familar with the school, its routines and make new friends in P3 in preparation for next school term.

A transition project started this week – the class will take part in the Shoebox Engineering Challenge. They have to make a “car” that will go down a ramp as far and as straight as possible. This will continue over the next 2-3 visits where they have to test and improve their car, and decorate it in as artistic way as possible. This will then be showcased next term along with other schools.

Another transition activity this week – the P3s got to visit Dechmont Primary School for their Potted Sports Day. We were extremely lucky with the weather an everyone had a great time. Thanks to everyone at Dechmont for helping make it a great success!


May 5, 2017
by Mrs Hawkins
1 Comment

Primary 2 Update

This was a short week, but a busy one!

In maths, we continued learning about time, moving on from half hours and quarter hours to looking at five minute intervals.

In writing, we had a go at creating a recipe for our favourite type of sandwich.

In PE, we continued to learn about badminton, using the rackets and aiming for those shuttlecocks!

We also continued with our topic on farming and where food comes from. We looked at what makes a well-balanced diet, and even had a taste test, trying a bit of food from each of the five food groups! Here is a photo of some of the children enjoying their snacks:

The children also got to take home their sunflowers, which we planted last week. The flowers have sprouted and are already getting tall. Remember to put them in a sunny place and water them regularly. When they are a bit bigger, you could even plant them in your garden or put them into a bigger pot. Here is a photo of some of the children with their sunflowers:

Have a lovely weekend!

May 5, 2017
by Mrs Weir
1 Comment

A short week in P7

We have had a lovely short week in Primary 7 this week and everyone seems to have enjoyed their days off enjoying the sun.

The class had a great time telling the non-campers all about their time at Kingswood and sharing their favourite activities from their time at camp. The non-campers told us what they got up to during our time away and it sounded like it was action packed. Thankfully everyone seems to have rested over the holidays ready for some hard work over the next few weeks.

We have been enjoying some athletics during our P.E. sessions. We have been trying to persevere with running activities and trying to pace ourselves. Today we had some heats with P7/6 to decide who would be representing P7 at the Gala Sports.

Have a lovely weekend 🙂

May 5, 2017
by Mrs Shankland
1 Comment

Primary 4 5th May



Here’s this week’s learning in P4.

Friday 5th May 2017

In P.E we learned how to play basketball and football. Also we started a new activity, Gymnastics, and learned how to do a cartwheel. Oscar, Allie, Callie, Grace S and Holly enjoyed showing us how to perform a cartwheel and the rest of the class tried their best and that means success!

In Literacy, we read an interesting fantasy story and showed our understanding through answering comprehension questions and we learned how to write dialogue with speech marks along with other punctuation (!,?…).

In Maths, we finished our Money topic this week and most of us feel confident in counting coins and working out change. Others found it a bit tricky and need a little more practise but tried their best!

Lastly, we continued to learn about Forces in Science and introduced Magnets. We learned that there are 2 types of forces, which are pull and push. We worked with partners and thought of different actions to show a force and then showed the rest of the class, who had to guess. Most were correct!

May 5, 2017
by Mrs Shankland

Primary 28th April

Apologies for the delay in posting P4 learning. Miss Clark is having difficulty getting onto the system.

Here’s last week’s learning.

What P4 learned this week…

This week we have been learning all about the tragedy of the Titanic. Nico learned that the Titanic sank on the 15th of April 1912 after hitting a large, freezing iceberg. Oscar enjoyed the task yesterday when we had a mission to make a ginormous picture of the Titanic on our class wall. We used paper, paint and glitter, it was very messy!

Toby also learned about comprehension and the importance of not only knowing but understanding facts about the Titanic. Lewis learned that in 3rd class the passengers had to share bunk beds. Chantelle felt sad that 1st class got to get off the Titanic first, just because they had more money! Kiera remembered that there was over 2000 people on board and Maddison was sad that between 702-712 passengers didn’t make it.  Zack was shocked to find out that Captain Smith ignored 7 iceberg warnings!  Steven learned that it took 2 hours and 40 minutes for the Titanic to completely sink to the bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean.

Jayden and Grace enjoyed learning how to bridge when subtracting amounts of money in maths. Deryn thought bridging was hard but fun. Cristian, Yousef and Tia felt that they got better at counting money! Ryan and Robert learned how to give out change when playing the shop game. Blanka and Grace B really liked learning through play in maths and thought the games were really fun. Holly learned that you need to always check your change when you are buying something.

In Science, we were learning about Forces. Layla learned that when carrying out a ‘fair test’ there must be one thing different, called a Variable. Everything else must stay the same and is called Constants. Callie learned that there are different types of forces, e.g. pull and push. Joshua learned that cold air goes down and hot air goes up! Allie enjoyed learning about different solids, liquids and gases.


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