The Kirkhill Chatter

Kirkhill Nursery and Primary School, Rashierig, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 6AW

April 19, 2018
by Miss Sutherland

P7 Kingswood – Day 3

We were all a bit sleepier this morning and had to be woken up for breakfast.  Yesterdays activities must have tired us out!  After a filling breakfast we had time to relax and socialise before our activities.

Throughout the day groups took part in aeroball competitions, fought each other in lazer and those that hadnt been braved the 3G swing, Jacobs Ladder and the High Ropes and Leap of Faith.  Miss Sutherland was so proud of how brave everyone was, and how everyone pushed themselves to go further or higher.

For lunch today we had burgers with wedges, tacos or BBQ pork wraps and dinner gave us the choice of hot dogs, chips, meatballs and onion rings.  We even had pancakes and syrup for desert.

This evening marked our last night at Kingswood and we all had the choice of a movie or disco.  Many of us spent this time to socialise with new found friends.  It was lovely to see everyone getting along and meeting new people.

Miss Sutherland asked us what our favourite things were and this is what we thought:

Alfie, Jack, Lee C, Lee J, Morgan, Amy, Anya, Lauren, Kate, Connor, Ailey, Aaron, Thapelo, James and Sophia all said they loved the 3G Swing the best.

Eve enjoyed the Leap of Faith as did Milissa.

Cailtin and Dylan thought Lazer was the best activity.

Temp enjoyed the 3G Swing and Lazer as did Toby

Rachael loved nightline and her muddy clothes sho this!

Nicole and Leah really liked the Leap of Faith and 3G Swing.

Murrin liked fire lighting, fencing and Lazer.

Miss Sutherland would just like to add how well behaved everyone was here at Kingswood and how proud she is that everyone tried as many of the activities as they could.

We are all looking forward to coming home tomorrow as we miss our families.  We will keep eveyone up to date as when we are due to arrive via twitter and hopefully be as close to 1:30 pm as possible.

P7 and Miss Sutherland

April 18, 2018
by Miss Sutherland

P7 Kingswood Day 2

We were all up bright and early ready to start our second day here at Kingswood.  Breakfast was a full English, cereal, toast or fruit.  We then had some time to prepare for the day ahead and socialise with new found friends.

Throughout the day we had lovely weather and we had to keep topping up our sun cream.  We braved lots of the high activities today such as the Leap of Faith, High Ropes, Jacobs Ladder and the 3G Swing.  Everyone pushed themseves to try the activities and did a fantastic job.  Some of the groups tried fire lighting and shelter building and were very successful.  Our group leader even commented that they were some of the best ever made!

For lunch we had a plentiful choice of chicken nuggets, chips, quorn nuggets, ham and cheese baguettes, salad and fruit.  Dinner was a roast dinner – complete with Yorkshire puddings and roast potatoes.  Some of us had teriyaki noodles or pie instead and the waffle desert went down a treat.

We got to visit the shop and treated ourselves to some sweets and crisps before heading out to our evening activities.  Some groups went to campfire while most tried out the scrapheap challenge.  This year we had to make a box that would hold a water balloon that would not burst when dropped from a certain height.  Anyone who was successful got to throw the balloons at the leaders.  It was great fun!

We are more tired tonight so are ready to get to bed and sleep ready for another long, fun-filled day of activities tomorrow!

P7 and Miss Sutherland

April 17, 2018
by Miss Sutherland
1 Comment

P7 Transition Camp – Day 1

The day had finally arrived for the P7s to head off to their transition camp.  25 eager, excited children came well prepared for their time at Dukeshouse Wood in Hexham as part of their transition to Broxburn Academy.

After collecting our friends at Uphall we were ready for our adventure.  Lunch was had in Jedburgh and we continued the sceneic route down the A68, but got caught in some roadworks, closures and diversions. Even though it was very hot on the bus and we had a bit of waiting around, our behaviour was exemplary!

We finally made it to Kingswood and were eager to get started.  We dropped off our bags and quickly headed to our activities.  We got to meet the other children in our groups and throughout the afternoon, we took part in fencing, orienteering and climbing.  Dinner was chicken curry or pasta bolognaise followed by cheesecake.

After dinner we all made sure our rooms were made up and headed to the campfire or scrapheap challenge.

We are now all tucked up in bed, looking forward to what lies ahead tomorrow!

Primary 7 and Miss Sutherland


April 14, 2018
by Miss Sutherland

P7 Weekly Update

It was lovely to see everyone back to start the final term in P7 and what a busy term it is going to be!

This week in maths we started looking at Data Handling.  We discussed the different types of graph and charts we knew and interpreted data from a variety of graphs and charts.  We will continue to practice this skill and we will then use our skills to create and display our own data that we have collected.

In literacy we have been focusing on Cloze procedure and our understanding of texts.  Some of us found this really tricky and we will learn strategies to help us get better at this skill.

As part of a mini context for learning we have been learning about the main religions of the world.  We were very surprised with which religions were the most followed.  So far we have compared the creation stories and beliefs of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism.  We have looked more in depth at Islam and Hinduism this week and have found some similarities and differences between them.  Learning about different world religions will help us understand others beliefs and views of the world.

In P.E. we continued to try out our gymnastics skills using all the large equipment.  Everyone really enjoyed showing off what they have been learning and demonstrated confidence in their abilities.

To end our week we spent time with our buddies, helping them redraft their writing, reading and playing with them.  We always look forward to spending time with our buddies and some us us chose to spend break time playing with them too.

Miss Sutherland is super excited for next week and I know P7 are even more excited.  I hope everyone gets plenty rest for the busy week ahead and hope everyone has a great time whether they are at Kingswood or taking part in all the cluster activities in and around Broxburn.

Miss Sutherland and P7

April 14, 2018
by Miss Brown

Primary 1’s first week back

It was lovely to see all of Primary 1 back after the holidays and ready to learn.

In our writing this week we used the fairytale The Little Red Riding Hood as a stimulus.  We were learning how to write an imaginative story of walking through the woods.


We learnt a new sound this week ‘sh’ and we came up with great words beginning with sh. For example, shower, share and shout.  We were also building words by sounding out the sounds we hear.

We had our Vibrant Vocabulary this week.  Our words were from the book ‘Who Ate Cake?’.  Our words were pesky, commotion, thrilled, scrumptious and clattered.  We were learning the meaning of these well.

In maths, we have been continuing to learn to add by using whole number and parts.  For example, 8 is the whole, one part is 5 how many more to make 8.  We also began to learn to share numbers into 2 groups using cubes.

We also learned how to read and make pictographs as a class.  We found out that the most common eye colour is blue and the favourite fruit winner is strawberries.

In PE we are still continuing to share resources and work together for a goal through team games.  We loved to play it he new game cat and mouse.  We also used the parachute outside and we had to work together to fight against the wind.

We were very excited on Friday as our buddies came down and helped us to redraft our stories and play games.

April 13, 2018
by Mrs Weir


It has been lovely to see everyone back after the Easter holidays. It has been a busy learning week in the class and everyone has worked so hard – well done!

In Maths, we have been continuing on with our learning about decimals. The Tetrahedrons group can now confidently add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals. Next week this group will be moving on to learning about percentages. The Squares & Circles groups have been concentrating on adding decimals where the sum has contained carrying and subtracting decimals where the sum contains borrowing. Next week they will be using their tables knowledge to multiply decimals.

Over the course of this term we are going to be learning about a variety of world religions. This week our focus has been on the religion of Hinduism. We learned about the different stories related to the religion such as the Story of Ganesh and the Story of Rama and Sita. Our learning activities in other curricular areas have been linked to our learning about Hinduism. At the end of the week, the class then created some Rangoli patterns which Hindus use to welcome visitors to their houses during the festival of Diwali.

P7s are very excited about their trip to Kingswood Camp next week and are looking forward to all of the activities. Non-campers are looking forward to a variety of cluster activities.

P6 children who are attending Broomlee are welcome to attend a short information meeting on Monday 16th April at 3.30pm.

Have a lovely weekend 🙂

April 13, 2018
by User deactivated

P5 weekly update

In P5 we have been working hard to accomplish our goals as a class this week. In Maths, we have been recapping what we learned in Term 3 and worked on our Mental Maths skills. We also started to learn about weight in our measure unit. In Literacy, we talked about what we did over the Easter holidays and wrote a recount about all the activities and our feelings. We also had a think about who is very special in our lives, who we look up to and aspire to be like. We enjoyed drawing this person and started our 1st draft of descriptive writing about them.

This term we will be learning all about Natural Disasters around the world. We made our own group dictionaries and won points and prizes for great team work and the Forza Horizon group managed to complete theirs in the fastest time. Well done Lena, Abi, Louie, Ryan R and Amy and also to all the other groups for trying! Next week we have a class presentation about a natural disaster that has occurred in the past anywhere in the world.

Looking forward to lots more exciting learning next week.

Hope you have a great weekend and the weather gets better!

Primary 5 🙂


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